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My mother used to say "Where there is love, there is growth" but I never really understood what she meant. There were plenty of things that I loved but that didn't mean I grew from them. I loved vanilla ice cream and the stars, at night but they weren't things that induced growth within me. And so I tried to discover more things to love in order to understand what she was trying to tell me.

 I tried my hand at a variety of instruments learning the basics but not loving them enough to master them. I took up sewing and crochet and could repair a few rips and replace buttons but I couldn't design entire outfits. I learned to dance well enough that I could impress a few people at parties but never get up on world stages. I swam, played football, and basketball but none of those really spoke to me.

 It wasn't until volleyball that I discovered what love was.  It was in volleyball that I learned how to completely immerse myself into something I loved and grow with it. In volleyball, I learned discipline, strength, and how to see things through until the end, something I had never done before. And see it to the end I did. Starting in my first year of Junior high and up into my second year of high school, mom was my biggest supporter. She never failed to come to my games and stayed up late with me as I practiced at home. She watched me flourish and she praised my growth. 

I am not exactly sure when I took that for granted but it became very apparent to me on my last days of volleyball. We had just lost our game against our rival school in Tokyo and I was fuming. The drive back was tense and my mother kept looking at me out of the side of her eye. It might have been one of these looks that led to the accident. The next thing either of us knew was that we were sliding off the road with the front of the car completely crushed. I must have passed out from the pain because I don't remember much. They said mom died on impact due to smashing her head on the wheel. My injuries came from the front of the car being crushed resulting in a leg broken in multiple places and several cuts and bruises. 

It was in one accident that I lost my number one supporter and my means of enjoying the one thing I loved. I never even got to say thank you.

Where there is Love (Asahi x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant