Things That Are Awk

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Oh my lord. Seriously, these are just some of them, but anyways let's get started. @scorflix thanks for the idea!! Hope you don't get offended.

1) When you accidentally spill your 2nd grade teacher's coffee all over the floor and then she comes out of the bathroom sighs and goes, "That sucks. I was looking forward to that." and then shakes her head at you like you just committed a huge crime. 

2) When you knock over your teachers CLOSED water-bottle but she still goes "Awkkkward." 

3) When you "see" your ex bestie "waving" at you but then realize she's waving at someone behind you.

 4) When you're listening to music in class after you finish your test and you hear everyone say "shhhh" and you take of your headphones and realize they're shushing YOU because you started singing without realizing.

5) When you're trying to start a conversation but your "friend" is answering with yes and no answers. Gimme some material, bruh.

6) When you're not supposed to be listening to music in class but you are and then your head-phones home out and everyone hears you blasting "Hakuna Matada" Hello, people, Lion King is the BEST.

Okay, that's all.

What's the most awk thing that happened to YOU? Comment below. Don't forget to vote. Lol. Ackkkkkkkkkkk the first one was the WORST.

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