"Missing You"

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*Before we start this chapter I would like to ask if you would like to have a song in the chapters later on? Let me know in the comments!*

*Yui's Point of View*

I look at the two boys who are in front of me. They are freaking tall! But then again, everyone is tall compared to me.I look down at the floor, waiting for someone to make the first move. Jackson was, is my foster brother back from the orphanage. We always hung out with each other. Even when we were only little toddlers. We got to live at the orphanage until we were 10, then we had to go into the foster program. I was a year younger than Jackson, so when it was time for him to sign up for the foster program it was like saying goodbye forever. I haven't seen him since he left for the foster program.

Nostalgia hits me when I look at Jackson for the first time since I got here.

*12 years ago*

I was sitting in a corner of the room trying to figure out why the adults called everyone into the room. There weren't a lot of people here since this place that's been my 'home' for the time being is still new. The other kids that were here didn't really like to talk to me. Not that I have a problem with it. I don't really like talking. Ms. Charlotte walks in getting everyone's attention. "Hey everyone! This is Jackson Martinez!" She says and I just now notice a boy standing next to her. He looks around at everyone in the room and his eyes land on mine. I automatically look down at the floor. "Please treat him with the kindness and respect you give to everyone else."

Everyone disperses and goes back to what they were originally doing. Still looking at the floor, I see Ms. Charlotte's shoes along with another pair of old converse. "Hi Yui! This is Jackson, he said he wanted to come and meet you." I look up with surprise clear in my eyes and look at the boy. Ms. Charlotte chuckles and walks away from us.

"Hi! I'm Jackson and I was wondering if you could be my friend?" The boy, who I'm pretty sure is named Jackson says. I tilt my head as if to ask him why. He looks at me and says "I think you look like a cool person." I look at him and then walk away. He shouldn't be friends with me.

*Time skip to a month later*

I sit at the lunch table eating the sandwich that was made for us. Jackson comes up to sit next to me and doesn't say a single word. "Hey! I know you're still trying to get used to living here, but you shouldn't bother trying to talk to Yui. She won't answer no matter how hard you try." An older girl says. She was one of the popular kids. All the kids here are homeschooled because it's easier, according to the adults. I started school early because there was nothing else for me to do. I'm four right now, about to turn five. "That's okay." I hear all of a sudden. "I still want to try being Yui's friend." I look at him with surprised eyes. "It would be lonely if she didn't have any friends." Jackson then told the girl.

Later on in the day, we had free time. So I decided to read a book in the tiny library we had here. I pick up a book. Jack and the Beanstalk. "Hey I like that book too!" I look up startled by the loud voice. "Can we read it together?" I nod and he sits on the floor next to me. He took the book out of my hands and started reading the first page.


*Back in reality*

Chad came into the orphanage when Jackson left. Charlotte told me he was in a different orphanage program until they shut it down. That was how he came to our orphanage instead. Chad was about seven or eight when I met him and he remembers.

(Because my orphanage is the biggest orphanage in the state, the director had to keep tabs on the other organizations. I met Chad once or twice but he probably won't remember. He was only two at the time. But that's besides the point.)

I couldn't be more thankful that Chad came to live with me at the time he did. He helped me feel less lonely. Jackson was the only kid who willingly talked to me. And he didn't force me to speak if I didn't want to. Although when I first met Chad, we had this connection with each other. You know, in a sibling kind of way. I look at Chad and for the second time I'm hit with nostalgia.

*7 years ago*

I was walking towards my room getting more sad by the second because Jelly-Bean just left and I have no one to play with again. But as I'm passing by I see some girls picking on a boy with glasses. I'm a lot older now and even though those girls picked on me when I was younger, I don't think they should pick on anyone else. I walk up to them and give them my meanest glare. They look surprised because I almost never do these things. I don't break eye contact with the girl in the middle and they all slowly back up. "Freaks stick together! Come on girls let's go." I turn around once they're gone and help the boy up. "Are you alright?" I whisper and the boy sniffs and nods his head. I put out my hand and whisper "My name is Yui. Do you want to get a snack with me?" The boy looks up and stares at me for a while. "Yes please. My name is Chad."

We go into the kitchen and I make popcorn. I turn on the tv and put on Sonny With a Chance. It's the episode where Sonny is dressed up as a teapot and she meets Chad Dylan Cooper for the first time. I hear Chad giggle and say "I like his hair!" "You know Chad, I think I'm going to call you Dylan. Let's be friends from now on okay?" I whisper and he nods his head with a giggle.


I look at the two much older boys in front of me who are the closest people I have to an actual family with tears in my eyes. "Wait, how do you know each other?" Jackson asks. Chad replies with "I met Yui when I was seven, going into a new orphanage. I saw her as a big sister when she stood up to bullies for me. They bullied me for having a big brain, but she thought it was cool. We were inseparable until Yui had to go into foster care. How do you know her?" I'm still awestruck so I couldn't answer right away. Thankfully, Jackson answers for me. "Me and Yui have been together since I was in the orphanage. Charlotte found me on the streets when I was five and brought me to the orphanage. Yui was busy reading some picture books. I remember the day like it was yesterday. She was always by herself, never talking unless she needed to. As time went on, the orphanage put us together because they found out that Yui was more comfortable around me. Charlotte told me that Yui is the only kid who has been in the orphanage the longest." I look at Charlotte and she has a content smile on her face. She sees me looking at her and decides to speak up. "I told you Yui! You were gonna like this house one way or another."

"You knew this whole time didn't you Charlotte?' I whisper. "Yes ma'am. It was honestly by pure coincidence. You should thank your lucky stars that you get to meet these two boys again." she replies and Mrs. Smith starts to speak up. "Wow you two didn't know each other." She gestures towards Jelly-bean and Dylan. "But you already knew Yui. What a small world! I'm happy you all know each other." Mrs. Smith has such a content smile on her face and it makes the corners of my lips go up. Jackson pulls all three of us into a group hug. Ava wiggles in Mrs. Smith's arms and says "I want hug too! Mommy put me down pwease!" We all chuckle at her, well, they do while I have a smile on my face. She joins in on our hug and I feel at ease with the people around me. I'm finally back together with my brothers.

"Wait, I just have one question though." We all separate and look at Mr. Smith. "Why do you call Jackson Jelly-Bean, and why is Chad's name Dylan?"



I hope you like this chapter! Vote and comment what you like about my story so far~

Always remember someone out there loves and adores you! And I am always here for an open ear. <3

Virtual hugs!

Sweetsasafrasssss :)

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