"Another Life will be in Mine"

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*Mrs. Smith's Point of View*

"Kids! Please come down here!" I yell at my children. I'm getting kind of stressed because my new foster daughter will be here soon. I want the house looking as clean as possible. "Babe, relax. She'll love the house and the family." My husband, John, tries to calm me down with a hug.

All of a sudden, I hear a series of 'hi mommy' and 'what's up mom.' I turn and get out of the hug to turn at my lovely children. I have three kids. The oldest is 18 and a senior in highschool, his name is Jackson. I adopted him around eight years ago. I was never able to have children because of a complication. When I first saw Jackson I fell in love and asked my husband about adoption. He automatically said yes to which I was overjoyed. (Jackson was 10 at the time.) After about three years of having Jackson, I adopted another kid. (He was 8 years old at the time.) As of this year, he's supposed to be a freshman but he is gifted and is as smart as a junior in high school. My baby is a brainiac and I love him so much. He goes by the name of Chad. Jackson was ecstatic that he was going to be a big brother again. I was confused at first, but then he told me he had met a little girl when he was living at the orphanage and she was like a little sister to him. Three years after we adopted Chad, I found out I was pregnant! I don't know how it happened and the doctors were telling me it was a miracle. But either way, I will always thank my lucky stars for blessing me with my little girl. Her name is Ava, and she is currently three, the youngest in the family.


"Do you remember that conversation we had about another person coming to live with us?" I ask them while crouching down to pick up Ava. "Yup why bring it up now mama?" Jackson asks. "You cleaned up all your toys and video games like I asked?" I say in return. "Mother dearest. You told us to clean up this morning and we all did our part." Chad says in exasperation.

"Sorry just making sure, the person that's coming to live with us is coming today. So I'm just a little bit stressed." My husband then takes over because all my children, minus Ava, are looking surprised. "The person that's coming over will be a girl so Ava sweety, you won't be the only girl sibling!"

"Yay!!" Ava giggles and I smile, liking the way she smiles. She gets it from her dad. "Anyways boys, please be nice to her and welcome her with open arms. I heard this isn't her first time being in a foster home." John says and I smile in appreciation to how well he told the children.

"Yes, please be gentle, she's not the most open person in the world. According to Ms. Charlotte, this girl is very quiet and different from how we normally act. She's around your age Jackson." As I get a message on my phone, I hear Jackson say she sounds familiar. I shake it off and read the message that says Ms. Charlotte is almost here. "Your father and I are going to wait outside for Ms. Charlotte okay? Please watch Ava, and for gosh sakes do not make a huge mess yet."I say putting down Ava. 

As I'm walking away, I hear a series of okay's and smile to myself while taking John's hand. As we're outside I let out a sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "Don't stress my dear, everything will be okay." I nod in reply and perk up seeing a cute red car pulling up to the side of the house. A teenage girl steps out of the passenger seat and starts to stretch with her arms up and looking at the floor. She has a hood on and we can't see her eyes, but I can already tell she is beautiful. All of a sudden she stops and I have a feeling she just noticed us now. I hear my husband chuckle a little because she just stopped stretching and is frozen like ice. It's honestly kind of funny. She sees Ms. Charlotte and hides behind her back.

They start walking towards us with the girl still behind her. We start walking and meet them halfway. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Smith! I'm glad to see you in person again!" Charlotte and I go way back to when I adopted Jackson and Chad. "This is Yui Martinez." Charlotte introduces us to the girl behind her back. The girl, Yui, is surprisingly short compared to Ms. Charlotte. She peeks out behind her back and gives us a small wave in return. Charlotte sees that she has her hood on and turns around to pull it off Yui's head. She is so beautiful. I wonder why she wears her hood so often? Yui then glares at Charlotte who smiles innocently in return.

"Yui is a bit shy, so she doesn't like to show her face and talk very much. Now that I say that out loud, maybe she's a bit more than a 'bit shy', silly me." We look at Yui and give her reassuring smiles to make her feel more comfortable. I think it's working because she comes out behind Ms. Charlotte a bit more.

"Hello Yui! I'm Jane Smith and this is my husband John Smith." I say and gesture towards my husband who I notice has a relaxed expression compared to me. Yui nods in acknowledgment. "Why don't we all go inside and talk a little more before Ms. Charlotte has to leave?" John says and I look at Yui to see her smile slowly disappear. "Oh no! Yui you don't have to talk if you don't want to." John says, noticing her look. We can see her anxiety showing a bit. "We just have to talk about the details of you living here with Ms. Charlotte, but you can join the conversation whenever you want." Yui gives a small smile in appreciation when Charlotte tells us that she has Yui's bags in her car. All four of us go over to the small red car and pick up a bag each.

I see John go and pick up the bag in Yui's smile with the most goofy smile I had ever seen. I hear a giggle come from Yui which makes John smile in accomplishment. I walk up to Yui and start to say, "I have three children living with me. I adopted two other boys and have a biological daughter as well. They are from oldest to youngest, 18, 15 and a three year old. I'm so excited for you to meet them!" I waited for a response but never got one. If I'm being honest, I don't think she heard me because she looks so lost in thought.


We walk into the house and I lead everyone into the living room. I see all my children sitting on the couch looking at Yui with curious eyes. "Kids, I want you to meet Yui. She doesn't talk much but I still want you to treat her with respect and treat her like your sibling." I look at each one of them in the eye so they know I'm being serious.

Ava gets up from her spot on the couch and runs up to Yui and gives her a big hug. I see Yui being taken by surprise but gives her a small hug back. From the corner of my eye, I see Jackson stand up as well and slowly walks towards where we are. Yui sees this as well and freezes, standing up with Ava wrapped around her legs. I walk over and pick Ava up while looking between the two teens. 

"Yui, what's your last name?" Jackson asks. I look at Yui silently asking if she wants me to answer for her. She shakes her head no with a grateful smile and opens her mouth to speak. She then whispers, "Martinez. My last name is Martinez." I look over to see Chad looking at the both of them with wide eyes and he also stands up walking over to the two. "Chad what are you doing?" I ask him and he looks at me with his eyes even wider. I am so confused right now. I look at John to see him just as confused as I am. Charlotte coughs, catching my attention and gives me a reassuring smile.

I see recognition going through both of my boy's eyes when I hear Yui whisper. "Jelly-bean is that really you? Dylan that can't be you is it?"



My second chapter is done! 

Thank you to everyone who is reading my story so far! It really means a lot. 

Remember someone out there thinks you are important and I am here if you ever need anything! (Even if we're strangers)

Virtual hugs for everyone!

Sweetsasafras <3

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