The Helper

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A golden dry planet.

As we land on the planet I notice both Gary and Avocato share a content smile- something unusual for Avocato...but I find myself smiling along with them, glad that finally they aren't so stressed over current events.

"Gworplo! I am-" I cut out the guy in front of us to stare around, my eyes landing back on my brother and Avocato before their faces turn to shock and theres a piercing scream. Some random guy pulled the head off the other guy while screaming "I can't wait for Deathcropolis!"

"Looks like they made some changes around here" Avocato looks around

"You don't say" I reply to his statement unimpressed

"Yeah. Cuz that Deathcropolis sounded like a lovely church picnic" Gary adds to the sass as Mooncake whimpers in response
"Dont worry Mooncake- we got this" Gary reassures as he opens his backpack for Mooncake to get into.

I stick behind with Avocato, double checking his guilty expression before patting his shoulder and following Gary.
By the time I catch up I hear Gary

"Oh sweet! They're just handing out free candy!" Gary takes one of those Moonobumps

"Gary- usually people say you shouldn't take candy from stranger so please don't take candy from a--" I try to warn him before he chomps it down in one bite. I facepalm for a second before noticing his pupils dilate

"Sh- Drugs?!" I knock the old man aside as Gary is sent on fits of laughter.


I feel a light touch on my shoulder from Y/N before she walks away to follow Gary. I feel my tense shoulders relax as I tail behind her, her hair bouncing as she walks and her hips sway-- ok enough Avocato.
When I finally bring myself back to reality I notice Y/N push an old man before kneeling next to a high Gary.

I glare at the guy as he stands up to offer me some Moonobumps and punch his face joining Y/N.

"He has a popsicle!" Gary points to me as I hold a needle in my hand

I check Y/N before doing anything her hands seem to be shaking and she keeps trying to shake Gary into reality with a worried face. I finally stab him with the needle

"OH! WHAT IS THIS?! Is that a dart sticking out of my chesticles!" He screeches and she slaps him across the cheek . Damn.
"OW WHAT THE-- N/N??" His face falls

"You idiot" she manages to say, I see her with an adorable angry face "I told you not to eat food from strangers? And what do you do?"

"Ate food from a stranger" he mumbles as he gets lectured making me chuckle. She turns with her cheeks more puffed so I quickly try to take her side afraid I might get a slap as well

"Shes right Gary. Can you not take crap from weird alien Skeevoids" I join the lecture with a gulp as I glance at her- seeing her nod in agreement

"Noted. Do not take crap from Skeevoids" Gary says as I help him up and start walking leaving Gary to help Y/N up.

We walk from alleyway to more alleyways until I kneel down to clean some durt off the hidden door

"This is the place"

"This is the place?" Both Gary and Y/N tilt their heads at the same time. They seem to do this a lot- say things at the same time and act in similar ways. At first I thought it to be creepy but considering they have been apart for a long time it is kind of cute.

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