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I would be lying if I said I had a sleepless night...but the only sleep I got were nightmares from both the past and yesterday.

My head was filled with the memory of bloodshed, the echoes of my brother's screams and the fear of Avocato betraying us once again.

"Maybe if brother wasn't so attached to Mooncake we could let them go and Lord Commander wouldn't follow us anymore" a though that had crossed my mind many times.

With a heavy sigh I get up from my bed and throw on Gary's (f/c) sweater that I burrowed from him. I inhale the scent on the sleeves of my sweater, the scent of home.

Although I did sleep last night, I also woke up many times and had trouble falling back asleep. Now let me tell you something, it's tiering to not sleep for a night but much more tiering to go on with your day after waking up so many times.
It's like all the sleep got cancelled out after waking up all those times.

I check myself in the mirror and only fix a few stray hairs before walking out to meet with the others.

"Oh, N/N! Good morning sleepy head!" Gary greets as he places a third plate of pancakes on the table. I notice Avocato flinch when my name was called before turning to me

"Good morning" he nods towards me

"Mornin bro~" I manage to mumble with a lazy smile before sitting down facing Avocato "Mornin' cato" I say a bit quieter.

My head falls a few times and my eyes blink much slower than usual. My head feels heavy....

"So what would you like to drink?" Gary asks scaring me awake

"AH- I- what" I stutter looking around before looking at him. Both Gary and Avocato had a face said "worry" or "you are so weird please stop" - I can't tell which it was

"Coffee?" Gary suggests with a half smile to which I agree.

Now coffee isn't my favourite thing in the world (sorry if it is) but with the way I am now, I think I could use some.

As Gary sat next to Avocato I munched lazily on my pancakes. It was quiet until I heard a small "ooOooh" from beside me.
I turned to see Mooncake and decided to feed him the other half of my food which he took gladly.

"Y/N...are you OK?" Gary finally speaks.

I slowly turn to him, examining him before replying

"Its been a while since anyone has asked me that" I smile sadly "I have pancakes on my plate, cooked by somebody else...I am eating brakfast on a table, sharing food and talking to my brother.." I say as I use my fork to play with the syrup on my plate "yeah...I'm ok" I finally answer, looking up with a satisfied smile

Both Gary and Avocato looked confused at first, a face with mixed emotions about what I told them.

"Are you ok?" I ask Gary, my eyes tracing over to his new robotic arm. He seems to take notice

"Oh! Yeah...yeah I'm ok" he smiles, stuffing more pancakes in his mouth.

There was an uncomfortable silence between me and Avocato. We barely spoke- rather...we didn't speak. It was more glances and weird eye contact from time to time.
I quickly chugged my coffee, my face twisting at the bitterness as I realize I forgot to put in sugar "ugh"

"Pfft-" I hear Avocato hold back a chuckle, Gary just ends up laughing at my expression.

I looked at both of them before laughing along with them.

How long has it been since I felt this much peace?

How long has it been since I felt this much peace?

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