Reuinted (Isolation Pt 2)

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Mentions of Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Tristan's Pov

Today is the day that Brad is coming back home from being in Birmingham for 4 months. I couldn't be more excited to see him again and to have him back back in my arms. Face timing him just wasn't the same as seeing physically. Right now I'm trying to tidy up the apartment as much as I can before Brad's back. Suddenly my phone starts ringing.

Brad- B
Tristan- T



T- I seriously can't wait to see you again after all these months.

B- Me neither. I can't wait to be back home again.

T- How long have you get left to drive ?

B- About another 1 hour. So not long

T- I'll be right here waiting.

B- I know you will. Love you

T-  I love you more bear. See you soon.

B- No you don't. Bye

Before I have chance to protest Brad's already hung up. He's going to be here in less than an hour. I can't even contain my excitement any longer. I then decide that I will cook us this romantic meal seeing as it's a special occasion. Plus Brad has been saying on face time how much he's missed my cooking.

I've nearly finished cooking the tea. I've done garlic butter steak with some potatoes and vegetables. It's now 18:30 and Brad should have been home nearly two hours ago now.

Breathe Tristan. I'm sure he's absolutely fine. I try ringing him but it goes straight to voice mail. That's fine he's probably driving. But then why isn't he home yet ? I then call James and Connor to ask if they've heard anything from Brad. But they both say they haven't heard anything.

I then start pacing up and down. Hoping he'll walk through the door any minute. He doesn't.

Okay now I'm really starting to stress. What if he's dead ? What if he's been in a accident ? What if he got lost ? What if he had a panic attack ? Stop Tristan what if. I'm sure he'll be back soon. Hopefully ?

Brad's Pov
I'm finally on the way back home again. My friend Alex is driving my car. As let's just say I had a slight breakdown. I still feel quite shaky and agitated.

"Were back." Says Alex before switching of the engine and taking some of my bags inside.

I didn't even realise we was back. That means I get to finally so Tristan again. I hope he won't be mad at me. Probably will. I sigh before I go and get my guitar and the rest of my bags out of the boot.

I then make my way to our apparnement. Why do I feel so nervous about seeing Tris again. I then reach our door and see Tristan and Alex in a heated conversation. They both stop when they see me enter and put my bags on the floor.

Me and Tristan then make eye contact. I then fling myself at him. He immediately wraps his arms around me while on sob into his shoulder.

Tristan's Pov

I then lead Brad to the sette and we both sit down. Brad then sits on my lap and holds me as tightly as he can..

"I guess I'll leave you two to it." Says Alex.

"Okay thank you so much for bringing him back." I say feeling very grateful for Alex looking out for Brad.

"I'll see you another time Brad." Says Alex before leaving.

Brad doesn't say anything he just holds onto me tighter which I didn't know was possible.

"I started to get quite panicky just before I started to drive through London." Says Brad while sniffling.

"Oh Brad. Why didn't you call me ?" I say

"I didn't want to worry you." Says Brad while still crying silently on my shoulder.

"I'm your boyfriend so it's my job to worry about you." I say.

"Yeah but still. I didn't want to see you the state that I was in." Says Brad and I could sense that he didn't want to tell me that.

"I don't care. I love you no matter what state your in." I say

"BUT YOU SHOULDN'T !" Says Brad before shouting and getting of my knee. He then starts pacing up and down the living room.

I then get up and walk towards Brad and try to pull him in for a hug. But he pushes me away.

"Brad..... please." I say feeling the tears start to brim.

Brad doesn't say anything instead he goes straight to our bedroom. I then follow him quickly behide. When I enter I see him sat at the end of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Brad please don't shut me out. I love you through all the bad and good times." I say while holding his hand.

"I don't deserve you." Says Brad while sniffling.

"I don't deserve you. How about we go and eat our steak. I know how much you missed my cooking." I say before kissing his forehead.

"Yeah I really have." Says Brad before getting up and pulling me up with him towards the kitchen.

"OMG Tris this looks absolutely delicious." Says Brad before sitting down and pouring himself a glass of red wine.

"Let's hope we don't get food poisoning as I bet it's cold now." I say while laughing.

"Oh well. We can't exactly go anywhere." Says Brad before tucking in.

As soon as we've finished eating. It was absolutely delicious. Totally not me blowing my own trumpet. We are now currently layed in our bed. With Brad resting his head on my chest as he draws patterns on my chest.

"I've missed this and you so much. More than you'll ever know." Says Brad before kissing up and down my chest.

"Yeah me to. It's been so weird having the apparnement all to myself." I say while running my fingers through Brad's hair.

"I'm all yours now. I'm not going anywhere." Says Brad before giving me a very passionate kiss.

"Now that makes me very happy." I say before giving kiss him back.

"Now how about we cath on some lost time." Says Brad really turning me on.

"I couldn't agree more bear." I say before placing kisses all over his neck.

Let's just say we didn't stop there !!

So this quite a short one for you all. Hope you still enjoy it. Let me know if you prefer them long or short.

Always here for you all whenever you need someone.

Please vote and comment what you think.

Also chemicals is out TONIGHT. I seriously can't contain myself 😭❤🌸

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