New year. New beginnings

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Hi I'm sorry for the slow updates. If you have any requests please comment them or dm me.
Hope you enjoy !!

Mentions of Anxiety attacks.

Brad's Pov
It's currently I'm new years eve and I'm laying on my bed. I hate this day as it just makes me overtime everything which is basically what I do all the time anyway. Before me thoughts can get the better of me. James comes barging into my room.

"Come on get up, we're going out ?" Says James before rummaging through my wardrobe and chucking a shirt at me.

"No I'm staying here." I reply before pulling my quilt further over my head.

"Please Brad. It will be fun trust me." Says James softly before sitting on the bed.

"Have you forgotten that I have serve anxiety." I say nervously while fiddling with my hands.

"Yeah but superhero James will be there to protect you from all danger." Says James whilst mimicking being a superhero which does make me laugh.

"See I am funny. Now come on and get ready, you never know you might find a cute girl." Says James before nudging me.

Little do you know that I like girls I think to myself.

1 hour later the taxi pulls up outside this massive house. That James told me one of his new friends on his uni course have. I can already feel my anxiety going through the roof.

"Breathe. I'll be with you the whole time." Replies James before getting out of the taxi.

I then quickly follow James. He is really good at handling my anxiety as he knows when I get stressed and anxious. I suppose living together while we are both at uni James has seen me at lowest points.

We then make our way inside. James is immediately ambushed by this massive group of people. James checks I'm still beside him and smiles at me.

"Guys this is Brad that I've been telling you all about." Says James. All of his friends say hi.

"Hi" I reply feel awkward as ever. Come on Brad pull yourself together everything is okay.

"Awww look who's finally realised who his friends are." Says one of James friends. While pointing over to this guy with blonde hair and a demin jacket on. Even though he looks absolutely smashed out of his face he's still gorgeous.

"'s it.....going" slurs the drunken person.

Even his voice is beautiful. Calm down Brad he's so out of your league anyway. Okay now I can't breathe. James then somehow senses and grabs my hand and gives it a reasoning squeeze.

"" slurs Tristan while eyeing up me and James holding hands.

"Erm no. We are just friends well more like brothers nothing more. " says James before pulling his hand away.

Great if he's ashamed of holding hands with me how will he come when I eventually block up the courage to say I'm gay.

" don't......want to " Smiles Tristan before looking at me up and down. I then protectively wrap my arms around myself.

"He's fine." Replies James.

"Anyway now that everyone is introduced. Let's get this night started. It's new years eve after all." Says Connor before walking of and everyone follows.

I then see Tristan doesn't follow and ends up going in the opposite direction. Probably to grab some more alcohol. I then try to keep up with James and I hope to enjoy my night the best I can.

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