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Brad's POV
Me and the rest of the boys are currently at Hyde park waiting to go on stage as we are supporting Mcfly . I'm excited but also quite nervous. As we haven't done that many shows as

I'm deep in my thoughts I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I turn round and see Tristan.

"You okay ? you seem seem stressed." Says Tristan.

" Just nervous." I say looking down at the floor.

Tristan then lifts my chin up and says " You will be absolutely fine and smash it like you always do."

"Hopefully." I say not feeling very hopeful.

"Come on you two, you have to get on stage." Says our manager Joe.

Tristan then grabs my hand and we go toward the stage. Which I found weird as we aren't a couple but we do act like one around each other.

Tristan's POV
We are all currently on stage and Brad is absolutely smashing it despite saying how nervous how was earlier. We only have one song left before we are done.

We then start playing Oh Cecilia and Brad runs backwards and when he turns around wacks his nose on James shoulder. He then runs toward the crowd and I can see his nose is bleeding. He still manages to carry on with the song. Which I don't know how he manages to do.

Brad's POV
As soon as we've finished I grab my bottle of water and James runs up to me

"You okay ?" Says James

"Yeah I'll be fine. Sorry snout wacking your shoulder." I say feeling so embarrassed

Before James has time to reply joe comes to me and passes me a tissues which I gladly accept.

My nose is still bleeding and it's starting to hurt now.

"Brad sit down." Says Joe.

I do as he says and Tristan sits next to me.

"I think your going to have to go the hospital." Says Tristan.

"No I'm fine, it will stop soon." I say

"Tristan's right Brad. I'll get someone to take you." Says Joe before leaving me and Tristan in the dressing room.

I really hate hospitals they make me feel so panicky and scared.

Luckily, I have Tristan's and Richard another one of our managers to keep me company. We are currently sat in the waiting area.

Loads of people keeping rushing in and there are Nurses and Doctors everywhere. I lean my head on Tristan's shoulder for comfort.

"Dont be worried bear, it will all be fine and them we can go back in time for the party with Mcfly." Says Tristan

I start blushing at the name bear as I love it when he calls me that. Tristan then holds my hand and starts rubbing his thumb on my hand.

"Thank you for being here, I really appreciate it." I say feeling tired and then I shut my eyes.

1 hour later
"Brad wake up, its your trun to be seen to." Says Tristan waking me up by whispering in my ear.

I start rubbing my eyes and follow Tristan, Richard and the Nurse to a side room to check on my nose.

Two hours later
We are all done at the hospital and are in the car on the way back to the hotel. Luckily, I don't break my nose just popped it.

"You was very brave today." Says Tristan still holding my hand which he has barely let go of.

Even though Richard was giving us some werid looks.

"Not really I only popped my nose but thanks." I say while laughing.

"Well you was." Says Tristan

Then he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek which I swear I felt my heart beat a thousand times.

Even though I never thoughts about kissing Tristan I absolutely loved it. So I returned the kiss and gave him a quick peck. We both spent the rest of the night dancing and drinking with the other boys and Mcfly. Tristan never left my side. Who knows maybe we will become a couple ? I wouldn't mind tbh.

I don't really know what I think about this one. Its quite short and not turned out who I imagined.

Please comment and let me know what you think xoxo 🖤💙

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