living together

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Brad's POV

I've recently moved in with Tristan since him and Anastasia had split. Seeing as I was still living at home. Tristan thought it was best I moved in. I was over the moon as not only was I living with my best friend but also my secret crush ! Yes I have a crush on Tristan Evans who I'm in a band with. The only probelm is I can't tell him. It will ruin our friendship. But I think he's stated to notice I'm attacking werid around him since I've moved him

Tristan's POV

I think there's something going on with Brad he's been acting weird and more than usual. Every time I say some he blushes or when I'm not wearing a T-shirt he freaks out. We are currently sat on the sofa watching celebrity first dates and surprise surprise its the episode Brad was on.

"Oh my god do we have to watch this ?" Brad Said getting all embarrassed

"Erm yeah we do actually, as I loved seeing you all nervous over a date" I say

"That's the problem I can't go on a date without fucking it up" Brad said hinding his face under the blanket that he had.

"Hey that's not true. There's loads of people that are dying to go on date with you" I said whole getting up from the the chair and trying to pull the blanket from his face. But he wasn't having it.

"Don't make me tickle you". I said while grinning

" Please don't " Brad said
He moved the blanket from his face and he was pouting

"Well tough I'm doing it anyway" I said. I then started tickling Brad in all the places that I knew would make him laugh and soon enough he was laughing his head of. I needed up falling of the settle and Brad fell on top of me. In that moment with Brad's brown orbs staring at me. I did something that was very unexpected....

Brad's POV

TRISTAN FREAKING KISSED ME ! I didn't know what to do but in the end I kissed back. Then he pulled away and I got of him.

" I'm sorry I know you don't feel the same maybe its best I move out I'm sorry ".  I said

Then I started to go to the bedroom and I could feel the tears in my eyes. Then I felt Tristan grab my arm.

"Stop being so ridiculous,  do you like me ?" Tristan said looking uneasy

I didnt know what to do. Do I tell him or keep hiding my feelings from him

"Brad, talk to me" Tristan said

"I..... Think..... No wait" I said

"What do you think Brad spit it out" Tristan said

After that never of us knew what to do then Tristan come toward me and cupped my face in his hands and kissed me again !

"That's perfectly fine because I love you to !"

From then on we never looked back !

Hope you all enjoyed my first Tradley imahine. Please let me know what you think ❤️

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