Her trust

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Ridhima wakes up feeling pain in her body. She opens her eyes as she feel something hard below her head. She turns her head to see it was a....leg? She gets up, and sit on bed, she turn and see Vansh leaning his head on headboard of bed, sleeping. He looks tired and restless. She thought to wake him up and ask him about last night but stops herself as she don't want to disturb his sleep.

She gets up from bed and winces, remembering the last night's incident. She makes her way to bathroom and freshens up. She come out and see Vansh is still sleeping. She wanted some answers so she had to wake him up. She goes near him.

"Vansh..... Vansh.... " She shooks him, suddenly he turns his head and takes his gun from side table and points it on Ridhima. Her eyes widens at his action.
She takes her hand back, feeling scared.

Vansh is habitual to sleep with a gun and according to his instincts, gun helps. When Ridhima shook him, he got alert and took his gun.

He puts down his gun, after seeing Ridhima's scared face.

"I'm sorry, I thought it's someone else" He said hesitantly

"It's..... It's ok. I just wanted to tell you....... ab.... about last night." She says in a low voice.

As Vansh remembers last night's incidents, he holds her shoulders, making her sit down on bed in front of him.
"Are you ok? Are you in pain? Wait, doctor gave me your medicines. You have to take them after your breakfast."
He speaks in a worried to me, checking Ridhima's injuries.

Ridhima never had someone in her life to care for her. What Vansh does for her, everytime touches her heart. Once she got hurt on her leg as she slipped on her heels, Vansh was busy working on his laptop but when her saw her hurt, he made her sit on bed and massaged her leg. Another day, Ridhima forgot to eat her lunch as she was busy with Sia, Vansh made her eat forcefully. At that time she was angry on her Monster.

Ridhima jumps and hug Vansh. She starts sobbing seeing his care. Vansh, who got speechless by her sudden action, hugs her tightly. She puts her  head on his chest and hands on his muscular arms. She cries and cries.

" I got so scared, he slapped me, pushed me, kicked me, he tried to hurt me" She says sobbing loudly.

" Shh.... Ridhima I know, I will make that person pay for his deeds. I will punish him who tried to touch you. " Vansh console her, patting on her head. He pushes her away from him and cups her cheek.

"Listen Ridhima, I'm a successful business man and a Mafia too. I get many threats. But now that you're a part of my life people will try to target you. They know I love my family. Ridhima I know I married you forcefully. But that doesn't mean you're not important to me. As much as Sia and Dadi are important you're also important in my life. Please be strong. I'll find that person and punish him" Vansh says while promising her.

Ridhima looks at him. Her words are struck in her throat.
" Do you trust me? " Vansh asks her.
Ridhima doesn't answer. She looks down hesitantly as she compose herself.

"Why do you do all this? If you're a successful business man, then why do you do...........this Mafia thing" She asks

Vansh feels happy that she's opening up to him. She's trying to get to know him.
He clears his throat.
" I kill people, I did many illegal things. I hurt people. But I never killed any innocent, the people who I kill are not innocent Ridhima. They do human trafficking, they run sex racket. I never did that instead I only supply gold on alchohol, not even drugs. Those who knows me, respect me. Those who don't, hate me. " he replies in cold voice

He waits for her to reply back. But gets none. He gets up from bed and was about to leave when he feels a hand holding his. He turns and see Ridhima holding his hand.

" Vansh..... I trust you " She says smiling at him. Her reply sparked something inside his heart.

Vansh pulls Ridhima, holding her hand. She jerks up, forward landing on his chest. Her eyes widens at the close proximity. Suddenly she feels something on her lips and realises that Vansh is kissing her.

Vansh sucks her lips, touching her body, he roams his hands all over her back. His touches made her feel warm and different sensations was going through her body. She grabs his hair and kisses him back. Suddenly he bits her lip and she winces.

" Ahhh"

Vansh pulls back and see Ridhima's lips, which was bleeding. He has mistakenly bite her lip, in the heat of the moment.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that" He says in a worried voice, checking her lips while rubbing his thumb on her lip.

"It's ok " Ridhima replies blushing as she looks down gasping for air.

Vansh notices her flushed face and bring his arm on her waist.He pulls Ridhima to his chest. And starts kissing her again, he sucks her lip, this time little bit softly to make her feel better. Ridhima couldn't handle the sensation and moans. Vansh leaves her lips and kisses her neck, as she holds his shoulder for support, he was about to kiss on her chest when they hears a loud knock on the door and pulls back

" Vansh, Vansh........ Are you awake Son? Is Ridhima ok?. It breakfast time, why aren't you both ready, open the door Son. I want to check on Ridhima "  they hear Dadi's voice, from outside the door.

" Dadi Ridhima is fine, we both are coming down in few minutes, for breakfast " Vansh shouts, replying back to his Dadi.

If it would have been someone else, he would have killed that person for ruining his moment.

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