Interesting, Very Interesting

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Vansh's pov,

I saw her hands bleeding but she's so much scared in the moment that she can't even whimper. She stood up, waiting for my next move. In a swift motion I took hold of her hand and pulled her inside my room, pinning her too the nearest wall.

"What did you heard" I asked in a angry low voice.

"No.... Nothing" She replied looking down at the floor. I was holding her shoulders and could feel her shiver at my touch. I tightened my hold.

"I won't ask again Ridhima, what did you heard?" I asked, louder this time.

"Please...... Please don't kill me, I only heard that you're ordering your man to kill that person and you're a.... Ma... Ma.... Mafia" She stuttered, trembling in my arms.

I was about to give her a piece of mind but suddenly she fainted in my arms. Her light unconscious body in my arms felt so right at that time. I picked her bridal style and layed her on my bed, when I moved away from her, I saw her hand which was still covered with blood. She fainted because of loss of blood.

I took out first aid box and covered her wound. She was burning with fever too. So I ordered Andy to call doctor. By Andy's reaction I guessed that he was confused with my attics but even I don't know what's happening to me.

I thought that I'll give her a threat and make her afraid or worse, could torture her. But she's too innocent for me to handle.

After some time, the doctor came and checked her. He told she'll be awake by tomorrow because of the antibiotics. I left my room and told two maids to take special care of Ridhima and give her what she needs if she gets conscious.

I came to my warehouse to deal with some assholes and went office for work. At night, when I arrived I was shocked to see my room empty. I searched in bathroom and walk in closet but found her nowhere. I asked all the maids and servants but they had no idea where she is. The two maids whom I assigned for Ridhima were useless. I fired them.

My anger has no boundaries that time. How dare she ? how can she leave? How can she even think of leaving? I was angry and somewhat felt hurt, as if I lost someone. I asked all my men to search the entire residency and my house even my store room. I told Andy to go her orphanage so that we can get some clue.

Miss Ridhima Sharma, if I find you, you'll be seeing the worst situation of your life. You have no idea what's coming for you. Your future is going to be very, very interesting.

Ridhima's pov,

I woke up covered in silk bedsheets. My hand was paining and head was aching. I sat up on bed and tried to rewind what happened. I remembered all the events before I got fainted. My body started shaking. I got down from bed and realized I'm in his room.

I opened the door of the room and peeked outside, no one was there. I have to escape from here before he comes. I can't deal with a psycho mafia. He can get a new physiotherapist.

I came to my room, packed some of my important stuffs not all, so I could be able to carry them while running. I came down, taking baby steps from stairs, without making any sound. When I was on my way to the door , I saw a maid entering,going towards kitchen, I quickly jumped behind the piller. When she passed I went to the door and came out of the mansion.

I went to the garden, because there were guards on the main door. I couldn't take chance, so I went to the backyard. I remembered Vansh saying not to go there but I don't care I just want to leave from here.

At the backyard, there were no grasses so I didn't care about the sounds of my footsteps. I found a railing, with its help I climbed the other side and started running towards the highway.

"Never in my life, I'll come back here " I thought.

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