"Really? We can go anywhere I want?"

"Well... Not anywhere. You have to be reasonable."

Ambrose giggles, slipping out of bed and heading towards the washroom.

"Be a darling and set out some warm clothing for me," Ambrose calls out, glancing back at Magnus. "We will be traveling to the mountains today."


Ambrose and Magnus walk side by side up the snowy mountains that sat near the palace. Magnus carried a large pack that contained a thick quilt and foods for a picnic.

Years ago, Ambrose had arranged for a small trail to be built into the side of the mountain so he could reach the top easier.

It only took a few hours to reach the summit depending on how fast you walked. It was best to go before the sun rose so you could watch it rise from above.

Ambrose loved to watch the sunrise. He loved the way the sun's golden rays cast light onto the treetops and the palace. The way the sky changed from a deep blue to an impressive orange and then to a lighter shade of blue.

He loved the smell of the cool, crisp air and the tangy aroma of pine needles. He loved how it was fairly quiet, the only sounds to be heard was from the nature around him. It was a peaceful place that Ambrose often came to clear his head.

Ambrose was a little upset that he wouldn't get to see the sunrise today. But he was glad he got to come at all.

"Isn't it a lovely day, Magnus?" Ambrose exclaims, his arms outstretched at his sides. "Oh, how I love the outdoors!"

Magnus smiles gently, reaching out and taking hold of Ambrose's hand.

"Careful, now," Magnus says, his voice soft but stern. "I do not want you to get injured. You have to watch your footing especially whilst we are so close to the edge."

Magnus maneuvers Ambrose to the opposite side of him, so he is away from the steep edge of the mountainside. Ambrose blushes, a wave of embarrassment hitting him.

He was sixteen. He should have known better than to be so reckless near the edge.

He holds tightly to Magnus' hand as they continue up the trail. Not once loosening his grip.

The rest of the walk is silent, both Magnus and Ambrose enjoying the comfortable pause. Ambrose swung their connected hands forwards and back, keeping the rhythm in time with each step.

It doesn't take long for them to reach the top from that point, about an hour and a half. Ambrose, stopping multiple times to observe the foliage or chase a squirrel in his wolf form.

Ambrose lays out the thick quilt they brought, smoothing it out along the snow-covered ground. Magnus begins taking the pre-prepared food out, spreading it across the quilt.

Magnus and Ambrose eat in silence, Ambrose pausing every so often to smile up at the older man.

Ambrose was quite content with the silence, enjoying his time with Magnus. But he couldn't help but want to know more about the Fae. His curiosity getting the better of him.

"Will you tell me more about your past, Magnus?" Ambrose asks, peeking up at the Fae through his delicate fringe of lashes.

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