11 - Leaving Them Behind - Dominic POV

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The drive home seems to take longer. The sun is giving way to the thunderclouds building to the west. The relaxation from the view of the mountains and pine trees, I usually receive while driving home, fizzles to nothing.

My adoptive father's Land Rover is parked in the drive. Damn, I will have to face the bastard.

Walking in the door, I start before my adoptive father can. "I've found where my birth family is. I have an opportunity to go meet them, and I'm going to go."

"How long will you be gone?" my adoptive mother asks.

"I have no idea. It is a long journey, so I can't give you a time frame."


"Who gave you this information? How do you know they are telling the truth? Where are you going? How are you getting there? Why are you doing this? Why ...." my adoptive father continues to rant.

Damn, I didn't even get to three today.

Knowing I can't give him the answers he desires, I don't try. Even if I give him answers, he still will have something negative to say. Quickly walking up the stairs to my room, I start packing as much as I can in my suitcase, duffel bag, and backpack. I take everything I can, because I know nothing I leave behind will remain in this house.

Once again my adoptive father bursts into my room, still ranting about anything he can. Tuning him out, I continue to pack.

"You're a disappointment," my adoptive father finally declares.

"I always have been and probably always will be," I retort over my shoulder, zipping up my suitcase.

"You've always made me proud." My adoptive mother sobs.

"You had a funny way of showing it," I counter and start to pack the laptop I bought with my own money.

My adoptive father storms out of my room, while my adoptive mother continues to weep. When she finally gets the message that I'm not going to talk to her, she turns and leaves the room. I call my friend, Sam, and ask him to pick me up and take me somewhere. He asks no questions and says he would be here in about thirty minutes.

Grace comes bursting into the room upset wanting me to take her with me. "Why are you leaving? Leaving Evan and I?"

"I can't take you with me, Grace. If I could, I would - I promise."

"Please don't leave me," she begs with tears in her eyes, her makeup streaking down her face.

"I'm sorry. This is my opportunity to meet my birth family," I try to explain.

"When will I get to meet my family?"

"I will come back for you. I promise. I have no idea how long this is going to take. Please stay strong until I can come to get you. Keep your secret phone as close as possible. Call me and give me frequent updates, and I will call you as soon as I can." I promise her.

She hugs me tight again, releases me, and runs out of my room.

Next comes little Evan, although he isn't so little anymore at fifteen. The sad look on his face finally breaks me, and I hug him as long as I can.

"Why do you have to leave?" he asks as he lets his tears fall.

"I need to see where I was born. I need to find out if my birth family is there. I just can't turn this down."

"When will you be back?" he mumbles into my shirt.

I pull back slightly, so I can look him directly in the eyes. "I'm not sure. I will find a way to see you, but I don't know when. Remember the cell phone I got you?" These cell phones became a necessity when our adoptive father became too overbearing. He nods, and I continue, "I will call you as often as possible, but I don't know when I can. Try to call me once a week and let me know how you are doing. Let me know when you are going to be alone or only with Grace. I will try my best to call once a week."

The Protectors: New Generation Book 1Where stories live. Discover now