8: green nail polish

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On the night of the 31st of October 1998, seventeen years after the death of Lily and James Potter, Harry did not go to bed. Instead, he sat on the window seat in his room, staring at the mountains and stars surrounding the castle.

He drifted in and out of sleep, despite his attempts to stay awake. He shook his head and blinked his eyes open when he caught his head dipping. His nightmares were always worse on the anniversary of his parent's death and he would rather be tired in the morning than be haunted by dreams.

Sunlight was shining just above the hills by the time the silence in the room was broken. Harry had not heard a sound from Draco's bed and he almost thought he was not there at all. Harry already suspected he might be using magic to stop any noise from escaping his side of the room. Though he wasn't quite sure what he was trying to hide.

As Draco got out of bed, the spell broke and Harry could hear him moving around again, confirming his suspicion.

He looked away from the window and saw Draco walk into the bathroom, unaware that he was being watched. Harry's thoughts were sluggish and it seemed like only seconds had passed before Draco was walking back out the door, all neat and fully dressed.

When he saw Harry, he stopped short.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked.

Harry almost thought he heard a hint of concern in his voice. He turned back to the window.

"I didn't sleep."

Draco did not ask for an explanation. He knew the reason as well as everyone else did. People had been particularly kind to him this week and all it did was remind him that there was something to mourn.

Draco offered him no insincere words of kindness or comfort. He did not say anything as he sat opposite him on the window seat and picked up a book. He spared him a single glance but that was all.

Harry was unsure, in his sleep deprived state, if Draco was trying to annoy him or keep him company. But that was how they stayed, until well after the castle woke up, Draco turning a page every few minutes and Harry looking blankly out the window. Eventually, his eyes slipped closed and he fell asleep.


Sunday 1st November 1998

"Do you think Harry's been acting strange lately?" Ron asked, breaking the silence that had settled between him and Hermione for the last half hour. They were lying on one of the longer sofas in the common room, Hermione sitting between Ron outstretched legs. She was reading an old book from the library about Magical Law and Ron's arms were wrapped about her waist and his chin rested on her shoulder.

"It was the anniversary of his parent's death yesterday," Hermione said, letting her book fall back on her lap. "He's always quiet."

"No, I don't just mean this week," Ron insisted. "He keeps sneaking off and he's so distracted all the time. He's nearly fallen asleep in class three times this week."

"You know he has nightmares, Ron. He doesn't get much sleep."

"Well, that's not surprising when he's being forced to share a room with Malfoy," Ron said his name with disgust, like he couldn't believe his friend was being put through something so terrible. Hermione rolled her eyes. "He's probably terrified for his life. But that doesn't explain the other stuff."

Hermione paused. Then, choosing her words carefully, she said, "Him and Malfoy seem to be getting on fine..."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? That's just more proof he's gone mental."

"Malfoy isn't as bad as he used to be."

"Well yeah, because he doesn't want to get expelled. That doesn't mean he isn't still a twat on the inside."

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