14: firewhiskey

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Saturday 12th December 1998

It had been two weeks since Harry and Draco found the Mirror of Erised and Harry's consequential realisation. Harry had spent those two weeks overanalysing every interaction he'd had with Draco and being hyper aware of every moment since. He seemed to have put himself in a situation he wasn't quite ready for. He and Draco spent all their time together. He had no time to think.

But one thing he knew for sure, he was in love with Draco and it wasn't going to go away anytime soon. So he was trying his best to adjust to this new information and keep his shit together in the meantime. This would be much easier if he was completely certain Draco did not feel the same.

The problem was that sometimes, when Draco looked at him, he almost thought he saw his own longing reflected back at him. He'd been completely oblivious to this before. It had never crossed his mind that Draco might have feelings for him. Harry still found it hard to believe that Draco liked him.

So he mostly put this suspicion down to him mixing up his own feelings with Draco's. But it didn't stop him from wondering.

He was thinking about the way Draco had smiled at him the day before in potions, all warmth and soft edges, when Hermione cleared her throat. He looked up from where he'd been staring blankly at his plate of beans and toast. Both of his friend's plates were empty and they looked ready to go. Harry must have zoned out for a while. He saw Hermione elbowed Ron in the side.

He winced and glared at her. She returned it with a pointed look between him and Harry. Ron seemed to understand her silent instruction and turned a nervous look on Harry.

"Oh right, um... Harry?"

"Yes Ron?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow, something he had picked up from spending so much time with Draco. Ron seemed unusually hesitated before speaking. Harry had a pretty good idea what he was going to say. It was Hogsmeade weekend and the three were planning to go into the village together, like they usually did. But the night before he'd overheard them talking about going on a date.

"It's just, me and Hermione were thinking maybe we could..." Ron started.

This is painful, Harry thought.

"Go on a date?" Harry prompted.

"Yes!" Ron said, relieved he didn't have to say it himself.

"And you want me to leave you two alone?" Harry asked.

"Only if you don't mind," he reassured

Harry appreciated them asking for his permission. Not that he had any right to tell them what to do, but it was nice that they cared enough to ask.

"Yeah sure," Harry shrugged.

He didn't mind. They'd never really been on a date, that Harry knew of, and he would be glad to let them go off on their own for the day.

"I'll just have to find someone else to go with," he said, wondering if Neville already had plans. Maybe he could tag along with him. He looked up and down the table in search for him but he was nowhere to be found. He spotted Dean and Seamus a few seats down and considered asking them. But he guessed they would probably be spending the day together too.

"Why don't you ask Draco?" Hermione suggested, as overly invested in their non-existent relationship as ever.

Harry subconsciously looked to Ron but he didn't react to the suggestion, just looking at him expectantly. Harry wondered, not for the first time if Hermione had told him about their conversation. He supposed it didn't really matter. He didn't mind Ron knowing. He would have told him himself if he'd found the right time. The subject had yet to come up and Harry wasn't sure how to talk about it.

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