13: gryffindor vs ravenclaw

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Saturday 28th November 1998

It was loud in the Great Hall. Students were talking excitedly about the first quidditch game of the season. Gryffindor was playing Ravenclaw which was why Draco had spent the whole morning with Pansy and Blaise. They were currently deciding what they were going to do with the whole common room to themselves while the rest of the eighth years watched the game.

"We were thinking we might finally drink that firewhiskey we bought the other week," Pansy said to Draco at the Slytherin lunch table. "What do you think?"

They hadn't said anything but he could tell they were surprised he was still there. It made him realise just how little time he had spent with them recently. He would feel bad about this but his friendship with Pansy and Blaise had never been particularly clingy - not like his and Harry's - and he knew they didn't mind.

He almost said yes. He wanted to hang out, drinking and gossiping, like they used to. His time seemed to be constantly occupied by either Harry or studying and he could really use a drink to keep his mind off... both of those things.

But he had promised Harry that he would come and watch the game.

"I can't. Sorry," he said, hoping she wouldn't question him. He felt a little guilty, but not enough to change his mind. He would never miss an opportunity to see Harry in his quidditch uniform. Not now that the season had started and their late night games had been put on permanent hold as Harry started practicing more with the Gryffindor team.

"You can't?" Pansy repeated sceptically. She narrowed her eyes at him. "You don't have any other friends, what could you possibly be doing?"

"I'm watching the game," Draco said, refusing to look at her, determined not to let her mock him. He tried not to talk about Harry in front of her anymore. It only encouraged her curiosity about what they got up to and what exactly was going on between them. He hated having to tell her that, no, he and Harry were not secretly kissing in the broom shed at 3am. When in reality, the most that had happened was Harry shoving him against a wall the other night. Which had been... an experience. One that he definitely had not thought about every day since.

"You're ditching us to watch your boyfriend play quidditch?" she asked, unimpressed. She shared a look with Blaise, who was watching the conversation with disinterest.

"I'm not- he's not my boyfriend," Draco said. Unfortunately.

"Draco. I swear to Merlin, do you think we're stupid?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said stubbornly. They'd had this conversation so many times he'd lost count. Why she was so convinced that they were dating, he didn't know.

"Fine. If you want to pretend like you two aren't secretly shagging-"

"We're not!" Draco interrupted. She became more and more crude with every accusation she made. It brought her great amusement and Draco hated that it still made him blush. She was so adamant that he was lying that Draco almost felt like he was. He had to remind himself that he wasn't hiding anything from her.

Pansy sighed and gave him a bored look, clearly disappointed he wasn't playing along. Blaise was looking at him, Draco frowned back.

"You're serious? There really isn't anything going on between you two?" Blaise asked, like it was somehow hard to believe.

Draco ignored the stupid question and glared at him instead. How many times did he have to deny it before they believed him?

Though he would admit, he was secretly pleased they thought Harry might return his feelings. As unrealistic as it was.

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