6: late night quidditch

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Art above by upthehillart on tumblr and instagram

Saturday 24th October 1998

It was 1 am and Draco was awake. His nightmares usually came in the early hours of the morning, but tonight, he'd barely been asleep two hours before he was sitting bolt upright in bed. It would be Saturday in the morning and he didn't need to be up early. So instead of pointlessly trying to fall back asleep, he was sat on the window seat in his room, his wand lit with a Lumos spell, reading. This was quite difficult however, because he was also attempting to paint his nails at the same time.

Like Draco, Pansy had recently discovered muggle fashion and had bought him some dark green nail varnish for his birthday. He had not yet got round to using it but as he was looking for his book, he'd found in one of his draws and decided to give it a try.

Not long after he had sat down to read, Draco had heard Potter shuffling around. He didn't think much of it, Potter was always fidgeting in his sleep. But as the sound of Potter tuning over became constant, he could no longer concentrate on his book. He glared over at Potter's bed, only to hear him was pushing his covers back and getting out of bed.

He was facing away from Draco and he didn't notice him at first. He was wearing red checked pyjama bottoms. Without a top. Draco swallowed as Potter stretched for a moment before bending down to retrieve a discarded jumper that was lying on the floor. His muscles shifted under his skin and Draco was suddenly very aware that he had never seen Potter shirtless before. He turned around with his arms half in the sleeves of his jumper giving Draco a fantastic view of his chest. Draco's staring was interrupted when Potter pulled the hem of his jumper down. His golden-brown skin was now obscured by a big grey H stitched to the front of a scratchy looking blue jumper that was slightly too big.

Potter rubbed at his eyes. He somehow hadn't noticed the light Draco's wand yet but he scrunched his nose and frowned looking around the room, probably smelling the pot of varnish Draco had open on the cushion next to him.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked before Potter could look in his direction, making him jump.

"Huh? What?" he said, startled. His eyes finally settled on Draco and he blinked, as if he wasn't sure if his was hallucinating.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nowhere," Potter managed to say. He was a terrible liar.

"Yes, you are. You sneak out almost every night."

Draco had been keeping this information to himself, but he couldn't help but reveal his knowledge, just to see the look of being caught on Potter's face.

"Well what are you doing up?" Potter retaliated. "And what's that smell?"

"Couldn't sleep," Draco said and lifted his hand slightly to show him his fingers. "Pansy gave me some of this muggle stuff. They put on their nails."

Potter nodded once and said, "Right."

He hesitated, glancing at the door. Draco knew he wanted to leave but he was enjoying watching him squirm.

And then, Potter surprised him by asking: "Do you want to come?"

The obvious answer was yes. He'd been wanting to know where Harry disappeared off to since pretty much the start of the year. But he wasn't going to give Potter the satisfaction of knowing that.

"Where?" he asked instead.

"You'll see," Potter said, because he was insufferable. He looked at Draco expectantly and Draco realised he would have to let Potter win, just this once. He was too curious to say no.

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