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"I can't stand not being next to you during that class. It's the one I'm most bored in." I told her as we walked away from our Trigonometry class.

She giggled.

"Not all of us have superhuman minds that can solve problems as fast as you do." She poked my arm.

"Just try and be a little patient." She added smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "I can be a little thankful." I said.

We stopped at her locker for her to switch out her books.

"Oh, yeah? What for?" She asked opening her bag to pull out a text book.

"Your smarter than most people. So were suffering through advanced classes rather than classes than extremely easy classes."

"Well I am very glad that your slightly less irritated because I'm smart." She said sticking her tongue out at me.

I reached over and messed up her hair.

She closed her locker and I grabbed her hand.

"Slightly." I said smiling.

We both continued laughing through the hall headed toward second period.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take!" Emmett whined when we sat down during lunch.

"I hate having to be slow and try not to be too smart." He continued.

"The struggle is real." Jasper laughed at him.

Bella rolled her eyes at them.

"Some of us have to be that way, Emmett." Bella pouted.

"Sucks for you." He laughed.

Rose punch him.

"Ow! What?" He asked her.

"Stop being mean, Emmett."

"Don't worry Rose. What Emmett doesn't know is that I hid all of his video games at home. And that he won't be able to find them without my help." Bella grinned.

"What!?" Emmett flipped out.

"Maybe you'll be nicer to the human." She crossed her arms, satisfied.

"We'll see..." He said narrowing his eyes at her. His thoughts trying to come up with a plan for revenge.

The rest of the day pasted quickly. Angela was not in class Bella informed me it was due to a trip her family had taken to visit friends down south.

The final bell rang releasing us from class.

"It's just cold here." Bella said as we walked out of class. "I don't blame then for going to down south to get away from it."

I smiled at her.

"Well, how about since it is so cold, I go and start the car and get the heater going while you put your books away. Then I'll pull around and pick you up in front of the school." I offered.

"That sounds lovely, thank you." She said blushing.

I was walking down the hall and turned the corner when one of the foreign language teachers, she was in her late fifties or early sixties, opened the door to her office and caught her shoe on the lip of the doorway, causing her to fall and drop papers all over the floor.

The few students left in the hall just looked at her before going about their business. How rude people are.

I walked over and began helping her collect the scattered papers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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