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Edward's POV

We pulled in to the school parking lot and everyone got out of the back of my Volvo.

"Wait." I told Bella as she was about to open her door.

I opened my door and got out of the car. I walked over to side and opened her door for her.

She blushed. "Thank you." She said stepping out.

"My pleasure. Doors should always be opened for beautiful women." I said without thinking.

Bella blushed even deeper and hid her eyes from me. From what knowledge I have when I female blushes and hides their eyes like that It is a sign of attraction.

That stunned me for a moment and I blinked. Could Bella be attracted to me?

I was about to think more on this when Emmett walked over and clapped his hand on my shoulder.

"So, high school for the billionth time. Fun." He complained.

"Emmett it won't be that bad. Besides, remember why where here. To-"

"Torture Bella all day!" He laughed and yanked Bella off her feet in a bear hug.

"To help protect Bella, Emmett." Alice sighed.

As Emmett put her down Bella looked us each in the eyes. "I want to thank you all for coming here for me. I just want you to know how much it means to me that you here to support me."

"Your family Bella. You don't need to thank us." Jasper said.

"There is no where else we'd be." Rose said smiling.

Alice hugged her.

"Now," She said as she pulled away. "We need to be off. Our first classes are on the other side of the school. We will see you two later!" Alice said dancing off with Jasper, Emmett and Rose all following behind.

"Have a good day, Bell!" Emmett called over his shoulder.

I looked down at Bella and when she met my eyes she smiled.

"Let's go get your schedule from the office." She grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her.

I laughed and followed along happily.

Everyone else had gotten their schedule in the mail but I had gone to the school earlier and made requests so I could be in the same classes as Bella.

After stopping in the office and grabbing my schedule from the secretary, who had a very vulgar mind for a 40 year old woman, Bella and I walked to our first class together. Trig.

Bella introduced me to the teacher, Mr. Mallow and asked if we both may sit together as it was my first day (technically).

He was adamant on the fact that he liked having his students in alphabetical order forced us to opposite sides of the room.

The hour seemed to go on forever and I heard Bella sigh many times. We locked eyes a few times and she threw a smile my way but we were both very unsatisfied with where we were.

Finally the bell rang and I was able to go to her.

"I knew I never liked trig. I just didn't know why until now." She laughed a little bit.

We then made our way through the school day peacefully, as none of the teachers from her second, third, or forth periods gave us trouble about sitting together.

The only problem I seemed to encounter at this school so far was the teenage boys.

It seemed like every time we turned a corner another one was thinking about Bella.

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