Welcome Home

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Sorry for any grammer or punctuation mistakes.

Don't own any of the characters or the original story. That goes to Stephanie Meyer.

Hope you guys like it!

**Chapter 2**

Edwards POV

We couldn't find any clues on who could have done this. We left the small cabin and are now walking through the forest towards home. We walked so we wouldn't startle Isabella.

"A nomad passing through?" Asked Esme.

"But why would a passer by leave Isabella alive?" Countered Rosalie.

"Why would a vampire kidnap and kill a random family?" Asked Emmett.

"How could this vampire drink 2 people, and not be blood crazed to leave one alive?" Jasper questioned.

"There wasn't just one." Isabella whispered.

I was still carrying her as we walked. I stroked her hair.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Alice asked before I could.

"Their was a really big guy... he was the one who..." She struggled to say.

"Shhhh It's okay, your safe now." I said softly to her.

"There were 2." She said still talking in a whisper."The big one said I wasn't worth his time. The other one was big but not as big as the first. He said that this wouldn't be the last I saw of him. That no one got away from him. But he said he... Didn't like short meals." She shuddered then looked up at me. "I don't want to go with him."

I held her closer. "Then you won't. I- I mean we will make sure you are safe."

She looked tired."Go to sleep little love, we'll be home soon." I said.


We were close to the house when I woke Isabella.

I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Wake up little angel, were home."

She looked up at me. She had the most beautiful brown eyes...

Emmett walked over to us. "Yeah sis it's time for you to see the house for the first time!" He looked so happy to have a little kid in the house with us now.

We broke through the last set of trees and the house came into view.

"Wow.." She said, wonder in her voice. "It's amazing" The house is three storys high with white trim and the entire back side of the house is a glass wall. The front porch wrapps around the side of the house. I hope she liked living here.

We walked into the house and every one sat down. "So Isabella how old are you?" Alice asked, she'd sat right next to us.

"I'm 4"

" You have amazing speech ability for a 4 year old." She said.

Isabella blushed. "Thank you."

"OH! Esme! Me and you need to go start preporations for Isabella's new room!" Alice squelled.

She turned back to Isabella. "What's your favorite color sweetheart?"

"I like almost any color but pink." Said Isabella. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Inside Alice's head she had already planned the room out covered in pink.

Now she had to start from scratch. "Okay, Esme? Do you and Rosalie want to come with me to do the shopping?"

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