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*This chapter switches points of view*

Edward's POV

"I am fifteen years old and I am picking out my own outfit for my first day of school, Alice." Bella warned.

"But Bella!" Alice whinnied. "I want to do it! Don't you want to look super cute on your first day of school?!"


I listened to the bickering going on in the room down the hall from me.

I had been banished from it when the tornado that was Alice pulled me into the hall and announced that she and Rose were spending time with Bella tonight. Which consisted of playing Barbie Bella for three hours.

Bella already was not excited about going to school tomorrow already. If you add on that Emmett keeps pestering her about it and Alice is set on dressing her, she is miserable.

"Alice, Bella is perfectly capable of dressing herself tomorrow morning for school." Rosalie said. "Let her be."

"Thank you. Now, I am going to try and get some sleep before I have to get up tomorrow." I heard Bella sigh.

That was my cue. I hit the off button on my stereo and headed down the hall.

"But Bella! You can't go to bed yet! I have to show you how to color coordinate! And how to use the make up I got for you!" Alice complained as Rosalie dragged her away from Bella's room.

"Good night, Bella! Sweet dreams!" Rose called toward her room as she tugged Alice along.

I shook my head before knocking on the wall next to Bella's open door.

"May I enter?" I asked.

"Of course. Your always welcome." Bella said smiling at me as she folded a pair a jeans over the back of her computer chair.

I walked in and sat on her bed.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked.

She stopped and her back tensed. "...Yes"

"Bella..." I warned.

"Okay, I'm just nervous. I don't really know how to make friends and... I don't know how to be normal." She worried.

"Bella, little love, their going to think your amazing. Just like I do. I think your so brave for taking this on. And I know that you can do anything if you put your mind to it." I said.

She nodded a little, but the worry lines on her forhead did not disappear.

"Come here." I patted the bed and she sat next to me.

I wrapped my arms around her in a hug and kissed her head.

"Try to sleep. I know your worried and nervous but you don't need to be."

She sighed and hugged me back before scooting up the bed and crawling under the blankets.

I got up and walked to the door.


I turned around to stare at her.

"Will... Will you... stay... with me?" She stuttered and her cheeks turned pink as she nervously fiddled with the edge of her blanket.

"Of course I will." I shut the door and turned out the light before I walked over and kissed her head and sat in the computer chair by her desk.

"I always feel calmer when your in the room. I don't know why and I hope you don't mind staying with me until I'm asleep." She whispered.

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