"you broke into the morgue and were followed later on?" she whispered with a shock. "yes." I said sheepishly. "and somehow I landed in front of the cave Mel and I used to go to." "you did?" she asked sympathetically.

"the nightmares came back Katherine." I tried to hold back my tears. "oh no honey. Don't worry. Remember what we spoke about right? it was the past and will never happen again. He is gone from your life forever." She convinced me. 

"I know. I decided it's time I speak about it openly." I gathered my confidence as I wiped a single tear. "before the funeral, I'll talk to Jason and Roger about it. We have enough of time since it's in the evening. I cannot delay this." 

"that's a great decision sweetheart. Let me know if you need me". "thank you. I will." I said as we stood up. She gave me a hug. "see you at four. You take care okay?"

 "you too Katherine" I waved goodbye as we parted ways.

I entered the apartment to find the boys already up. "hey you guys. I got us some coffee." I chirped. I set the glasses down on the breakfast bar. "thanks. I have three omelettes coming up." Jason said. As we sat down to eat, questions flooded my way. I knew it was time to face the firing squad.

 "so, Anne, what happened last night?" Jason asked. Here we go. Stay strong.

I had a nightmare. A flashback from my past. A past which only Melissa knew, and her mom does."


5 years ago

"Anne you understand right? this meeting is extremely important for our family. I know going away for one month is not going to be easy. But I am sure you'll manage." My mother spoke to me.

 "yes mother. I'll manage. But why can't I stay with Melissa?" I asked for the forty-seventh time. "well you see kiddo your grandfather wants you to live with your uncle. Some family bonding stuff. And your uncle Harper is more than willing to let you stay with him." my father pacified me.

"oh really." I retorted sarcastically. "you guys aren't going to London for work purposes. You are going there to inherit grandpa's wealth. And by me staying with Harper, he gets his share. Am I right or am I wrong?" 

 "you know about the will?" father asked quietly. "yes, I do. I also know we are in debt for quite some time now and we need that money. So, get going guys." I shrugged. "we love you Anne." Mother pulled me into a hug. 

"one month. That's all. and remember, you are much more precious to us than any sum of money. One word and we'll leave everything and come back."

"don't worry. I'll be fine. Get going now. See you in a month." I hugged her back and then hugged my father. They pulled away in a taxi as I waved. You see, my family wasn't always rich. Though I was born here in America, both my parents were originally from London, England. They lost everything they owned when they shifted here in Halesville.

 Loans increased. When my grandpa passed- away, he left a lot of money in his will for dad. The only catch being none for my uncle Harper. Dad was going to give him half the money if he looked after me and showed up for family at least once. (my grandpa was big on family).

As I narrated this to you, my ass was being hauled in the backseat of an old truck by my uncle. He lived in Eastern Halesville. Not the most kid-friendly area, but I decided to put up with it anyway. 

"this is your house?" I asked incredulously. A two -story house stood before me. "how can you afford this. Looks cool from the exterior." 

"enough, enough with the yapping." He said as he threw my bags out from the trunk. "I can't. a friend of mine loaned it to me as long as I run his errands." He said gruffly. "I picked up a lighter bag and skipped towards the doorstep. Harper swung open the door.

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