"I didn't get that far," Killian said.


Brooke had left David in charge of the sheriff's station and she was now walking through the forest unaware her sister was following her through a looking glass.

Brooke was walking in a trace, "Brooke?" Leroy grabbed her wrist and Brooke looked at him, "What's wrong, sister?"

"I...I'm okay," Brooke looked around, "What... Why am I here?" She asked.

"You don't remember?" Leroy asked.

"Brooklyn..." Merlin's voice was heard.

Brooke looked at where the voice was coming from and ran in that direction with Leroy following her.

"Brooklyn, you need to save the light..." Merlin's voice said.

Brooke walked up to a cave and walked inside, "Brooke... Don't you watch horror films?" Leroy asked.

"I'm dating a pirate with a hook for a hand," Brooke said.

"Yeah... Fair point," Leroy said, "What are we doing here?"

"Well, I'm here looking for something... I think, you, I have no idea," Brooke said.

"Your mother was worried as you left the station in a daze," Leroy said.

"I see, I'm perfectly fine," Brooke said a dead end, "Hmm..."

"Guess we didn't find what we were looking for?" Leroy asked, "Let's go."

Brooke waved her hand and the Light Magic vault was uncovered. Brooke walked inside and saw a crystal ball, she walked to him, "Please, let there be something in here," She waved her hand over the ball and Merlin appeared in the ball.

"Brooklyn, first I'd like to apologise for not being able to guide you. As you probably know by now, I'm dead and you are to continue in my place until the time is right. While you were in Camelot, you were entrusted with one of my most powerful spellbooks, use it and bring the vault to you better," Merlin said, "Unfortunately, for your friends no one who possesses a dark heart or dark magic can enter this vault. It cannot be corrupted and destroyed. I'm sorry to have left this in your hands without any guidance, I know you can do this. Goodbye," Merlin said and disappeared.

"Brooke?" Leroy called out and Brooke turned to him, "This is... Yours?"

"I think so," Brooke said, "I need to find that book..." Brooke walked to the entrance of the vault, "We're being watched," She said and waved her hand on the entrance blocking anyone with a dark heart or magic from seeing into the vault, "There."

Meanwhile, Killian walked into Gold's shop.

"Crocodile, we need to talk," Killian said.

"Didn't you hear? I'm not that man anymore," Gold said and turned around, seeing Belle holding a crossbow, "Belle, you can, uh..." He said.

Belle lowered the crossed that she had pointed at Killian, "Yeah, sorry, I thought you might be Emma," She said.

"It's a good thing I'm not, a crossbow wouldn't do you much good on Emma," Killian said.

"Well, best we could manage. I didn't have some squid ink set aside for a rainy day, but, uh, unfortunately," Gold said and opened a safe, "She found it."

"Dark Ones are clever like that, clever enough to make everyone believe that they've really changed. I need to know what's going on inside Emma's head now, she said she's doing all this because of Brooke and Alicia," Killian said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now