Chapter 2

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Me and Lauren came to an agreement to let mani stay with me for the night...or week.

At first she was gone take her to Samantha house with her but mani cried to come with me and Kam.

She sat quiet the whole ride home and as soon as she got in the house she went to take a shower.

I did the same in my bathroom but when I got out the shower she was still in her bathroom.

"Mani you a'ight in there?" I asked knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yes, but don't come in, I don't have any clothes on." She answered and a chuckled escaped my lips.

"Okay" I laughed to myself.

I walked across the hall to check on Kam and as usual his ass was sleep hanging off the bed.

I won't gone mess wit him, some people you just don't mess with when they're sleep and Kam is one of those people.

I closed the door, went into mani's room and sat on her bed.

Lauren London Jr, finally made her way out of the bathroom, smelling like a rose garden, and took her time lining up all of the hygiene products facing the front on her dresser.

It won't nun but perfume, lotion, and hand soap.

Lauren has always been very neat and meticulous when it came to things like that, so it was no need for me to wonder where she picked it up from.

"Don't I smell good?" She asked swinging her arms around sneakily so I could smell her.

"Yea mani, is it any perfume left in the bottle?" I asked.

"A little bit, can you buy me some more?"

"Yea, I'll get you some more this weekend."

"What's life support?" She asked.

Here we go with twenty one questions. She always did this to stall from her having to go to bed. I usually don't feed into it, but I missed her so I'll go for it this time.

I don't know what the hell she asking about life support for anyway. She must have heard Lauren talking again.

"It's a machine the doctors use to help people breathe, when they can't breathe on their own. Did you brush your teeth?" She shook her head.

"Mhmm." She replied.

"Get under the covers" I told her preparing to kiss her good night.

"Mommy said... you..." she stopped herself.

"Mommy said what?" I tickled her and she started squirming around in the bed.

"Stop.. you gone make me pee pee on myself." I stopped tickling her.

"What yo mama said?" I asked poking her in the stomach.

"Mommy said you was skinny." She said out of breath.

"She did huh?" I chuckled.

"Yup, daddy where is Uncle Sam? I want to see him."

"I don't know baby, get under the covers." I said before she asked me another question.

"Daddy I want to move back to California with you. I miss my room." I chuckled.

"Lil girl I thought you was bout to say you missed me." She laughed and I pretended to be mad.

"No daddy, I did miss you too." She threw her arms around me as if she was consoling me.

"Now I can be here all the time and not just in the summer. I can see you everyday now and you can see me everyday."

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