"You guys can take a seat I'll let you know when he gets out of surgery" she said and all of us walked over to the seats

I sat down in between Jade and lou the whole atmosphere was tense no one said anything we just sat in silence, we waited for an half hour , jade and harry took niall outside to calm him down he had been crying since we got here , jesy and Liam got up

"We'll get everyone coffee" liam said and we nodded

"I'll come too" leigh said as she walked with them leaving me and lou

"Malik??" A nurse asked as she walked

"Yeah , that's us" louis said

"So Zayn's out of surgery he's in his room he's still under sedation but you can see" she said and we jumped to our feet

Me and lou followed the nurse and she stopped and we were in front of the door and the nurse left

I reached for the door handle and stopped I looked at lou and he gave me a nod I opened the door to see zayn lying there bruises all over his face and a huge bandage wrapped around his torso

"I'll go get everyone " lou said as he gave me a kiss on my head I nodded and walked up to zayn

I stood there and looked at him and then tears ran down my face , I sat down on the chair near him and my hand found his

I hate to admit it but I missed it I missed holding his hand , I ran a finger along his ZAP tattoo I remember when he got it he facetimed me he was so happy

"Is he still asleep??" I looked to see everyone standing there I nodded in repose

Niall came to the front and held the hand I was holding and buried his face in Zayn's arm while silent sobs could be heard

Jade came up behind him and slowly pulled him away

"He's going to be fine babe" Jade said hugging niall

"Has anyone called Trisha??" I asked and everyone nodded

"I'll call her" liam said as he walked out the room

"Guys c'mon Zayn's a happy guy and it's not like he's dead let's do something fun for when he wakes up" louis said

"Yeah , Lou's right'' Harry said

"Okay , let's get some balloons ,
Flowers" leigh said

"Let's get some food!!" Jade said

"Wait if we all go off who's gonna stay with Zayn??" Jesy asked

"I'm already here" I said and everyone nodded

"Ok , lou and leigh can get the balloons , jes and Liam can get the flowers and Jade and me will get the food and we'll take niall with us " Harry said and everyone nodded

Everyone left and I was alone I sat back down and I pulled out my phone to see a text from Trisha asking if zayn was okay I replied saying he's asleep and that I would keep her updated

"Pez??" I instantly looked at him


"Your here??" He asked I nodded and pushed his hair out of his face

"Were you crying??" He asked as he raised his hand to my cheek I shook my head and bit my lip

"You scared me" I said as I held his hand he chuckled and instantly let out a "Ahh" in pain

"You got two broken ribs" I said he groaned and lay his head back on the pillow I looked at him and laughed then the door banged open

"We got food!!" Jade yelled as she walked through the door with Harry and Niall in tow

"Zayn!!" Niall said as he ran and hugged zayn

"Your awake!!" Leigh said as she and lou walked in with balloons followed by jes and Liam with flowers

"What's this guys??" Zayn asked a big smile on his face

"We thought it would cheer you up" louis said talking to zayn for the first time in years

Then everyone made themselves comfortable while Jesy and Liam passed the food around after we ate dinner and had a laugh , the nurse walked in

"Sorry to interrupt but only two people can stay the night" she said and everyone nodded

"Perrie and Louis" everyone voted and me and lou nodded

I walked to the door and said goodbye to everyone while lou stayed with zayn

"We love you" the girls said as they hugged me

"Bye boys" I said as they waved goodbye  I turned back and started walking to the room

"Miss" I turned around to see a nurse coming my way

"Mr.Malik's things" she said as she handed me his phone and wallet I thanked her and walked back to the room his phone I accidentally clicked on the on button and the phone vibrated I looked at the screen and the list of emergency contacts were on the display

"Perrie Malik" I whispered in disbelief I shook my head why?? I couldn't believe it I walked into the room to see lou on the sofa , he got up so I could lie there

"I'll take the chair" I said as I sat on the chair I was sitting on earlier after a while zayn dozed off and me and lou talked for awhile then I nodded off

Ohh what's going to happen next??
Stay tuned guys
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