Late Late

903 15 22

Long chapter

Jade's pov

We finished getting ready and decided to meet the boys in their room before heading out , we had a ton of radio interviews in the afternoon and we were on the late late show in the evening so me and the girls got ready


Little mix

Little mix

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Tagged: @perrieedwards @jadethirlwall @leighannepinnock @jesynelson @harrystyles @liampayne @louis91 @niallhoran

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Tagged: @perrieedwards @jadethirlwall @leighannepinnock @jesynelson @harrystyles @liampayne @louis91 @niallhoran

Caption: New York!! New York!!!

Liked by: @ harrystyles @liampayne @louis91 @niallhoran @onemix4eva @littlemix4eva

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We made our way to their room and Perrie knocked on the door

"Someone's at the bloody door" Liam yelled

"WELL THEN OPEN IT!!!" Louis yelled

"Are you insane??? one can see this!!!" Zyan said

Making us all look at each other and question our existence

"We're coming in!!" Perrie yelled

"NO!!" They all yelled

And then the door opened with Niall standing there and blocking our way

"What's going on??" Leigh asked trying to look over niall's shoulder

"Noth- nothing we-we were jus-t hmm" naill mumbled as he scratched his head

"Ahhhh...." harry yelled and ran past us into the hall wearing nothing but his boxers

"GET THAT LITTLE SHIT!!!" Louis yelled as he ran out next

"Ohh hey girls "Liam said as he came and stood in front of us with zayn next to him

Love Again [ Book One ]Where stories live. Discover now