Everyone seemed generally welcoming, but his oldest sister Aviva didn't seem particularly interested in her and she didn't know why.

"Are we staying in the north wing?" Elora asked.

"Yes," Ulric answered as he pulled his mate along with an arm behind her back. "Your things are already up there."

"Thank you. I will do some exploring if you don't mind. It's been so long since I've been here," she said. Ulric nodded his head, not caring what they did as long as they didn't cause any trouble or disrespect his mate.

Ulric glanced at his phone when it buzzed before slipping it back into his pocket again. "Your dress is ready at the tailor's, I need to go pick it up," he said.

"What?" All colored drained from her face. "Can't you get it delivered here?"

"No, she's an old human woman. She's very frail and wouldn't make the walk. I told her I'd be down to get it when I ordered it."

"Can I come with you?" She asked.

"Stay here, Amaryllis. You will be fine. My family won't hurt you."

"Why can't I come?" She cried.

"You need to learn to socialize more, love. You are going to be queen and that means having to speak to  people you don't want to." She sighed, but he did have a point. She grumbled and hugged him goodbye.

Amaryllis turned, looking at his family. They were practically having a family reunion in the middle of the entryway of the castle. Ulric said a lot of them hadn't seen each other in a few years either, so she assumed they were all catching up.

As she looked at them without Ulric's presence, she felt awkward, like an outsider. None of them knew her and she was left alone with them.

She sat down on one of the benches and waited for Ulric to come back. She couldn't speak to them. They were all engrossed in their own conversations and she wasn't even sure what she'd say. She jumped slightly when she felt someone sit next to her. Looking up from the ground, she saw Nikolia, the second oldest sibling after Ulric.

"Hello," she said quietly.

"Hi, Amaryllis. You look like you need a friend."

"Oh, well, I don't know," she said with an awkward laugh.

"I know it's a lot to get used to, especially for a human, but we don't bite," he said. She couldn't help but laugh because vampires do, in fact, bite.

"I'm just very socially awkward. I can't talk to people easily and Ulric left to go pick up my dress for tonight, so now I don't know what to do," she revealed.

"Well, you can talk to me. I think I'm easy to talk to. Tell me about yourself."

"I don't think there's much to tell," she said. "Um, I come from a town called PotterTown. I turned nineteen not too long ago. My favorite color is yellow and I love to read."

"Good to know," Nikolai said with a smile. "I'm from here. I'm three hundred and five years old. My favorite color is lime green, and I love to speak to shy people," he said.

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