The allegiance

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Hey guys, I ain't dead yet. sorry for the wait, the application I was using to make my stories was malfunctioning, but I got things back up and running. Enjoy this new chapter!

It was late in the night and Dawn was nice enough to let me stay at her house. While staying there, I asked why she had little room and why all animals, or mammals they call themselves, give her a nasty look. She was very upset about that topic. I told her I wouldn't do anything to her if she told me. So that she did. 

She said she was pushed around a lot and was portrayed as some glorified secretary and a tool for others, especially predators. Her childhood was the worst. She was beaten by other kids who were in a group that discriminated against prey species. All that pent up anger fueled the fire inside her to dart predators with something called night howlers, a poisonous flower. She said after her jail sentence she regretted everything she had done.

I felt sorry for her, being the only mammal to be warm and welcoming towards me. I told her she shouldn't have done that but i was impressed she was able to admit she had done a horrible deed, yet I felt sorry for her being left out. Not wanting another night howler crisis to occur, I asked if Dawn had any friends or allies. She said she used to but they moved on. I asked her if I could be her friend, and no doubt the boys would befriend her as well. She hugged me tightly and we swore our allegiance to each other, well, sorta.

 I was currently trying to find a pizza place around here on her computer. Kind of a junky computer but it worked. All the websites and games had these animal puns like Zoogle, or Grand theft Otto. I mean seriously, a game we're the three main characters are a wolf, a raccoon, and an otter. I was knocked out of my thoughts when the door was being pounded on. Great, we got company. I told bellwether to stay put while I dealt with whoever decided to visit. Unholstering my M9, I moved down the stairs until I reached the door. 

"This is ghost one actual. You are hiding an unknown species. You have three seconds to open this door or we will make our own entrance by using force".

 I was snickering at my second in command's false threat. He wouldn't have the guts to breach a building With a woman in it even if he wanted to. The reason why he was a fighter pilot to begin with. He couldn't live with himself if he hurt a woman, his family was very strict on that one rule. I remembered the situation I was currently in.

" Well well well, when did you become actual Wilson"? 

"Um, since you broke formation to get that last MiG fighter".  I shook my head in annoyance as he obviously didn't understand how operations worked, I opened the door and saw my boys, ready for action. 

"Welcome to my pad fellas". 

"Your pad, I took you in, now your saying this is your pad"? The angry voice of bellwether rang out from above me. 

"Sorry, just making a joke". She seemed to have calmed down after that.

" Who the heck was that", Taylor asked.

"My roommate. She took me in after the heat died down". 

They just looked at me with mixed emotions. 

"Seriously, did you guys not see the numerous anthropomorphic animals walking around". They just looked at me In confusion. 

"Oh, right, it's the middle of the night and we stayed up late. Come in, you don't want to be spotted, trust me".

 "You're gonna explain what's going on right"? 

"Yes Wilson everything will be explained, but first, I need your help".

"Help, since when do you need our help boss"?

"Taylor, not now. We are not gonna survive on the food in this house and heck I ain't gonna mooch off of Dawn", I said sternly as we made our way upstairs.

 "Am I hallucinating or Is that a humanoid sheep". 

I looked were Stanford was looking, shock and fear evident on his face, same with bellwether. "Um, okay, take a seat". They did as told and I got ready to tell them my predicament I was currently in before dragging bellwether down with me. After I told them, Taylor started weeping. 

"I promised my mom I wouldn't get arrested". I sighed in sadness as Taylor cried. 

"Poor guy".

 "Don't tell my mom if we ever get back. Me joining the military was enough for her to handle". 

"Hey, take it easy Taylor, with the boss back, we're like navy seals". 

"In the air Wilson, I only said we are The Navy seals of the air, not on the ground", I spoke up so they didn't get too cocky. 

"Look, bellwether, do you know anyone in the ZPD that would be an imminent threat to us getting home"?

"That's pretty easy. Officer Judy Hopps and newly recruited Officer Nick Wilde".

 "You mean the ones who foiled your plans"? 

"Yup. Okay, what kinda mammals are they. Feline, canine, bear, honey badger"?

"None of those, I thought the last name Hopps would've given you a hint to her species", bellwether deadpanned while looking at me.

 "Is She a rabbit"? I said slowly. 

 "Bingo, we have a winner". 

"And Nick Wilde is a what?" I needed more info if this plan to get back home was to work perfectly.

"He's a fox". 

My mind had a devious plan and it involved a lot of Wilson in it. 

"All we need to do is use live bait". 

"What are you planning Montez", Taylor asked. 

"We portray ourselves as customers at expensive places, the last place the authorities would check. They would think we are just regular old mammals, not humans". 

"Taylor, your the best at impersonating people, you'll be the one behind things".

 "Wilson, I need you to find someone who is pretty and will do good at being a damsel in distress. And that would help us how. She will be able to keep the cops busy while we plan a way to get back to the Nimitz".

 "Stanford will go with you, take your sidearms just in case". 

"Got it skipper". 

"Call me that again and I'll knock you out". We all just laughed, unaware of two Timberwolves spying through the window through some bushes on the other side of the street.


"So, what do you think the boss is gonna think of this Rick"? A light brown wolf asked a black wolf, both in black suits with red ties.

 "As long as we help steer the ZPD in the wrong direction, the boss's plan will go smoothly". 

"So, can we get milkshakes now"? 

"Oh shut up Bradley"! The wolves continued to sit and listen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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