Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Pandora's POV

Did I ever tell you I am a master physician? Well I am and I'm one of the best in the elvin world. That's why I'm the Neverseen's physician. I use water to snatch elixirs from people and the water brings it back to the base. Back to the present Pixel stood outside with a small cube in her hand when we arrived. Pixel has chocolate brown skin, deep ocean blue eyes, long frizzy black hair. For the mechanical parts of her she has spectacles like Elwin's, a mask that covers half of her face, and she always wears a brown lab coat.

"This should emit an electromagnetic wave to destroy any trackers on you," Pixel explained.

She held out the device and pressed the button on top. Nothing happened and I had to remind myself that the sound waves are too small and fast for me to see. After a minute the device turned green.

"Now any trackers are disabled forever,"

"Thanks Pixel,"

Pixel nodded and waved a card over the DNA sensor. The metal door opened and Pixel walked inside. Right on time a box of ice zoomed straight towards me and stopped inches away from hitting me. I gestured for the box to follow me as I trailed behind Fintan, Foam, Trix, Ruy, and Pixel. Pixel went to her room to make new gadgets and I led Fintan, Foam, Trix, and Ruy to our Healing Center. I arrived at the doors in two minutes and the door opened once I waved my card in front of the DNA panel. Fintan, Foam, Trix, and Ruy each sat on a cot and I used telekinesis to take all the purple fuzz balls out of their skin. I then opened the ice box and picked the elixirs I needed to heal their skins. I made them drink them while I put a pearl white cream on their burns, wrapped it in bandages, took the water out of their clothes, and cleaned the blood off of them. I did this in five minutes and I grabbed some bottles of youth from the ice box and gave each of them one.

"Thanks. We're lucky you're on our side," Ruy winced.

Which side would I rather be on?


Exactly. Now each of you drink this.

I handed each of them a painkiller and they glady drank it.

"I'll give Lady Gisela the full report and you can rest for now. If you work out to much you may break a bone,"

They nodded and dispersed and Ruy had enough sense to not stay behind. I walked to Lady Gisela's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Lady Gisela said.

I walked into Lady Gisela's office. It had metal walls, a dark type of marble for the floor, and balefire crystals hung from the ceiling.

"Miss Miran. Do you have the full report on the meeting?"

Do I ever.

I told her every detail of the meeting and what I learned about Fintan, Foam, Trix, and Ruy's encounter.

"Interesting. We can now accelerate the timeline,"

I stayed silent.

"You're dismissed, but grab my son for me,"

I nodded, bowed, and left the room. I made sure my mask was on as I walked towards Keefe's room. I made it in about three minutes and I opened the door. Another Neverseen member was watching Keefe as he ranted about something called the Ballad of Ro and Bo.

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