Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Pandora's POV

I wore a tight black dress with buttons, but the front side of the dress was cut open. The dress had long sleeves and silver strips of metal covered my knees and arm. In the inside of the cut dress I wore black leather pants, a belt, boots, gloves, and hood. Since I was a Shade I covered my face with shadows, so that anyone who looked at me would only see murky, black sludge moving across my face (I can see through the blackness). I also wore a Shade pin on my side to show what ability I have. I walked towards the entrance of Exelium feeling that I didn't belong anymore. My life was made then crushed by the Black Swan and now I felt like I had no reason to live. I felt like that sometimes, but I must get my revenge on the Balck Swan for everything that they did. I slowly took each step into my broken world and I was suddenly dragged up by a thick piece of rope. I was now hanging upside down like a pinata in a tree.

"Find a way to get down," a voice told her.

I looked around to find a distinct outline of three elves in the mist. I heard some chattering, so I assumed all of Exelium were watching me. The rope holding me was pretty thick and tied into a complicated knot. I used my Pyrokinetic ability on the outside of my boot to burn the rope and then I put it out with water just as quickly. I swayed and the rope split open and I fell down. My hands shot out of its position and I landed on my hands before flipping onto my feet. I heard some applauding and I blushed under my murky mask.

"Impressive. You will get your marking," a raspy voice ordered.

I remembered to stay quiet as I followed the three elves that I assumed were the coaches under an arch. We took some complicated twists and turns before reaching a campsite with three tents. Now that I could see I saw the three elves wore red, blue, and ambi robes and the three tents matched the color of the robes. The red coach now had a bowl full of red paint. The red coach stuck his hand into the red paint and slapped his red hand onto my black sleeve.

"You're in the left hemisphere. You think logically and stay calm in a difficult situation and try to find the best solution," The red coach told me in a familiar raspy voice.

I stayed quiet and looked at the coach and I could tell that the murky blackness on my face disturbed her. She went to the red tent and I followed. The tent was crowded and I went for the darkest corner of the tent and sat down on the frayed bed. Another Wayward sat next to me and the Wayward had a pin that showed a person in a beam of honey gold. I knew that this was a Psionipath and to not mess with them. I sat there quietly with the blackness at the edge of my vision, but to everyone else I had no face (don't ask me how it works). The Psionipath kept stealing glances at me and I felt like either the Psionipath liked me or was spying on me. I couldn't tell because I wasn't a stupid Telepath. Finally the red coach walked into the tent.

"Today we'll be practicing appetite suppression," the red coach told them.

I got ready and forced the thought of food out of my mind. I instead thought about my old life and how I was going to get revenge on the Black Swan. After two hours the red coach which I'm going to call 'Red' told everyone to eat. I followed the Waywards to a table with rotten fruit on it. I didn't care about my living conditions anymore, so I grabbed a dark star shaped fruit and sat down on one of the mats scattered on the floor. I put the fruit in my murky, black face and the shadows dissolved the fruit and converted the nutrients into my body (yeah I know it's creepy). Once I finished my black fruit I walked back to the red tent with the other Waywards.

"Next we are levitating," Red told them.

I sat down in my dark corner and crossed my legs. I then levitated with ease and saw the Psionipath staring at me again. I turned to look at the Psionipath and the Psionipath immediately looked away. Now that I saw him he had a leathery black long sleeved shirt, pants, boots, gloves and hood. He also had a black jacket that looked like it was made out of tree bark. I turned my attention back towards levitating and I survived for two hours without collapsing once.

"It seems like our new Wayward has some decent levitating skills," Red mused.

All heads turned towards me and I sent a silent thanks to my murky, black mask that was covering my face. I didn't squirm once as the stares bore into me. Red then led everyone to where all the Waywards were gathered up and the coaches took their places at the front. Beads floated out and one floated above each Waywards head.

"You can choose-,"

I tuned out when they started the big speech. I might be in Exelium, but there was no way I was listening to a speech. When the other Wayards grabbed their beads I snapped back to reality and grabbed my own bead. I tucked it into a hidden pocket and walked back towards the tent. Apparently if you don't have a home you can sleep in the tents. I sat down in my dark corner and fell asleep. Maybe Exelium wouldn't be too bad.

The next morning I woke up at sunrise. I got up and decided to do a bit of meditating to calm my nerves. I honestly don't know how long I meditated because when the Waywards filed into the tent I couldn't look outside.

"We will be going to the caves to practice night vision," Red told them.

I found myself at the entrance to a cave and Red stepped inside. The Waywards followed and so did I. It was dark, but I was a Shade, so I used my abilities to find a place to sit down. I wished I could've stayed there forever because the darkness welcomed me in and I felt like I really belonged. After an hour the Psionipath slowly made his or her way towards me and handed me a piece of paper. I put it in front of my murky face and read it.

"If you want to change the world for the better meet me at the entrance to this cave at midnight"

Oh no. There was only one person who said that and it was the Black Swan. I tucked the note in one of my hidden pouches and decided not to go. After night vision I ate another black star shaped fruit then went through outward channeling. I swear I saw the Psionipath stare at me more as the day ended. I swiftly grabbed my bead and endured the electric shock before staying in the tent and sleeping there because there was no way I was meeting with the Black Swan. Yet. 

What Pandora looks like when she enters Exilium (of course she has gloves, a mask, and a hood).

What Pandora looks like when she enters Exilium (of course she has gloves, a mask, and a hood)

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