Mari noticed me instantly, and her smile widened, "I made us cereal."

"Thank you, Princesca," I said as I walked around the counter, planting a kiss against her head. It surprised me that I didn't even need to lean down too much to kiss her, she was only 12 and almost as tall as me. I took my cereal and sat down on the stool on the island, and Mari joined me. We instantly began to eat our breakfast, "So what's the plans for today?"

"Can we go to the mall? And maybe Aunt Ally's bakery?"

"Sure thing, kiddo," I nodded my head as I ate my breakfast, "What do you need from the mall?"

"New cleats for soccer, and shoes."

"Dance shoes? For what?" I asked, my brows furrowing as I turned my head to look at her.

"There was this flyer on the school bulletin board for dance classes at this studio downtown," Mari said as she poked at her cereal, "I want to sign up."

"Won't that be a little too much for you? On top of soccer, guitar lessons, and school?"

"I already checked, Abby takes the class already. She said that classes are only one Mondays and Fridays. That won't interfere with soccer because soccer practices are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and games are on alternate Saturdays. If we move my guitar lessons to Sundays instead of Saturdays, then I'll have more than enough time. Plus school is no problem, I have straight As and a few Bs. And if I ever need help, I could always ask Aunt Sofi."

"You thought of everything, huh?" I couldn't resist the urge to laugh at my ever thinking daughter, "Sometimes I wonder which one of us is the parent."

"Please, Mama, I really want to do this," Mari said, a pout taking over her features. I groaned as I shook my head silently, resisting the urge to pinch my nose.

"You and that pout. Your mother had the same one. It kills me, ya know that?"

A grin took over Mari's features as she knew that was my unofficial way of saying yes, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said as she threw her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.

"Yeah yeah, but if I see you falling behind in school, you will be dropping something, do you understand?" I said, and she instantly nodded her head. I sighed, "Alright, now finish your breakfast so we can go to the mall."

Mari nodded excitedly and went to eating, quickly shoveling her cereal into her mouth. It didn't take long for the both of us to finish our breakfasts and get our shoes on to head out the door. The drive to the mall consisted of Mari talking animatedly about taking her first dance class. I had never seen her so excited about anything before, and if it made her this happy to take this class then who was I to complain? I fully supported Mari doing extracurricular activities as it kept her busy and out of trouble. In my line of work, I've seen a lot of kids her age come into the station because they were hanging out with the wrong crowds and getting into trouble. It kept me content knowing that my daughter was safe and not out in the world with God knows who doing God only knows what.

Once we reached the mall, I followed after Mari as she went to Shoe Department store. We went through the motions of buying her cleats and dance sneakers before returning to the car and making our way to my friend Ally's bakery.

Ally's bakery was our go to hang out spot. It was nice and felt like home, and it always smelt sweet. Ally had been one of my closest friends since I started at the academy. Her best friend Lauren, my partner on the force, had taken me to the bakery on one of our days off and we all instantly just clicked. Ally's husband, Troy, helped run the bakery along with the eldest daughter, Sara, who was 15. Lauren was single, and has been since I've known her. She was in and on again off again relationship with our other friend Lucy, until Lucy found Vero and settled down. There were no hard feelings on either of their ends, and Lauren had been genuinely happy for Lucy.

Ally and Lauren were Mari's Godmothers and Troy was her Godfather. Our friend group had survived 13 years, and I knew it would survive even longer.

Once we entered the bakery, Mari had instantly went to the counter where Sara was sitting, and she animatedly told Sara about her new dance class. I made my way towards the cash counter and smiled at Ally, who was standing behind it, "Hey, Mila, something's got Mari excited today."

"Yeah, somehow the kid's talked me into signing her up for dance classes," I rolled my eyes playfully, a small smile on my features as I pulled out my wallet.

"Dance classes? On top of everything else she does in a day? That's quite a lot," Ally snorted.

"That's what I said, but of course she had it all figured out and laid down her plans with me, and they sounded pretty solid. You know my kid, Ally, always thinking and planning."

"Total opposite of you, huh, Mila?" Troy teased as he came around from the back, standing behind Ally.

"Who asked you?" I glared at him playfully, and he flashed me a vibrant grin. Troy was honestly the nicest guy anyone could ever meet. He was the exact replica of Ally, except a male. All sunshines and daisies. It made me happy to know Ally had someone like Troy in her life, "Anyways, we came here to order some sweets for our movie marathon at home. What's good?"

"Everything. My wife baked them, so everything's good," Troy smiled down at Ally, causing her cheeks to redden slightly. I chuckled as I shook my head silently.

"Kid, come over her and tell Ally what we're taking home today," I called to my daughter. She instantly grinned and raced over to stand beside me.

"Hi, Aunt Ally, hey, Uncle Troy."

"Hey, kiddo, I heard your giving your mom a run for her money. Dance classes? What's next, violin lessons?" Troy asked.

"Please don't give her anymore ideas," I laughed as I shook my head.

"Sorry, Mila, anyways, what can we get you, Mari?"

"Um, a small tray of brownies, 4 banana cupcakes, and do you guys have any Strawberry rolls today?"

"We do," Ally nodded her head with a grin.

"Can we have a few of those too please?" Mari grinned at Ally.

"Of course, Princess, we'll have them right up."

"How much, Ally?" I asked as I pulled out my credit card from my wallet.

"When was the last time you paid for something here, Camila?" Ally asked as she glared at me playfully.

"Well, I try to pay and you always tell me no."

"Exactly. Just go wait over there and we'll have everything boxed up for you."

"One day, Ally, I will buy something from the bakery," I challenged.

"You can try. Now go," Ally pointed over towards the opposite end of the counter. I laughed as I shook my head before I did as I was told, Mari following closely alongside of me.

"Thanks for today, Mama," Mari said as she looked up at me, a grin taking over her features, "And thank you for agreeing to the dance classes."

"Anything for you, Princesca, you know that. Besides, they're just dance classes. Nothing too life changing can come from those, right?"

Stuck in the Middle (Normila)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara