Chapter 18

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Basically no editing and I can't write fight scenes. Sorry!

And I just realized I updated this chapter under the name "The REAL Chapter 18" so sorry about that, I tend to write ridiculous names for the chapters before I upload them to keep the organized.

Steve had been waiting for two hours. Junior had shown up at some point but when he saw Steve's face he knew Steve wanted to he left alone. He had gone upstairs to keep packing up his stuff. Once Amelia moved in, Junior had decided he probably needed to find a new place to live. Steve had assured him he was in no rush but Junior had still moved quickly in finding a place.

Finally, as 1 o'clock was nearing, he decided enough was enough. He grabbed his keys and called Junior down.

Junior agreed to help and Steve insisted on driving uphill while Junior went downhill. When Junior questioned why, Steve just shrugged his shoulders and replied, "It's the way I would go."

Junior accepted it and Steve left, driving way faster than he should have. He scanned the sides for people who looked like they had been outside for awhile and even stopped to ask a man mowing his lawn if he had seen a girl come through on a bike, but the man shook his head no and asked Steve to leave.

He had driven 4 or 5 miles when he saw two black SUVs driving towards him. Instincts told him they were bad news and that was confirmed when he noticed the automatic gun in the front seat.

He took a deep breath and braced himself against the steering wheel before jerking into the front car. It spun off and the second car rammed into his truck. His airbags exploded but he kept his grip on his gun and climbed out of the car.

The car he had rammed into had crumpled in the front and there was no sign of anyone moving, so he focused on the second car. The driver had put his car in reverse and started driving backwards, away from Steve.

Steve drew his gun and cocked it, loading a bullet in the chamber. He held up the small pistol and carefully aimed at the man.

The man wasn't 50 feet away when the bullet hit him. He slumped forward and the car spun to the side, crashing into a tree.

Steve turned back to the first car and walked forward, his gun at the ready. He reached the door and jerked it open.

"Five-0! Let me see your hands!"

The man in the car groaned but didn't move. Steve stepped forward and pulled the man from the car, ignoring his cry of pain. The man had been gripping an automatic rifle but it fell from his hands as Steve dragged him out.

Steve felt anger coarse through him as he recognized Siham. He ignored the man's cries and drug him up by his shirt, still gripping his gun in one hand so that it was dangerously pointed at Siham.

"Where is she? Siham, where is she?!" Steve yelled, shoving the gun at the man.

Siham groaned in response before hacking,blood flying from his mouth.

"You know what that means?" Steve demanded. "You're coughing blood. That means internal bleeding. Tell me where Amelia is right now or I'll leave you to die, slowly and painfully. You need an ambulance. I can get you that. Where is she?"

Siham muttered a few words in Pasto that Steve couldn't here.

"Say that again!" He yelled, jerking Siham. "Say it louder!"

"She's. . ."

Steve pointed his gun downwards and fired once, causing Siham to jerk away, but Steve's grip was steel. "Where is she?"

Siham muttered in Pashto again and this time Steve heard it. His hand went slack and he stepped away, causing Siham to jerk back in surprise. Steve knew the color was gone from his face but he didn't care.

Siham took this opportunity to dive forward, shoving Steve's gun away. Steve punched him across the jaw, snapping Siham's neck back.

Siham responded with a hard kick to Steve's side another punch to the jaw. Steve managed to jerk backwards so that the punch scraped him rather than hit him head on.

Steve rolled backwards and pointed his pistol at Siham, who had grabbed the rifle off the ground.

"Don't," Steve snarled, his finger tightening around the trigger. Siham paused, contemplating his options, before trying to flick the safety off and shoot Steve.

But the Navy Seal was faster. Siham dropped to the ground, lifeless. Steve felt a wave of despair wash over him as he looked over the dead body. Amelia couldn't be dead. Could she?

He stumbled forward, no longer having the energy to walk confidently. He opened the cars door and saw another gun and a dead body. Whoever had been riding with Siham died when Steve's truck crashed into the side.

He then made his way to the other car. He knew if Siham had Amelia she would've been riding with him, but he wanted to check anyways. As he walked uphill he heard sirens. Someone must have heard the commotion and called 911.

It didn't matter. Not if she was already dead.

He checked the car. The driver was dead and there was an unconscious man in the back. He hadn't been wearing his seatbelt and he must have slammed into the side of the car when it crashed.

Steve tied the man up and left him, walking back to his truck to wait for the other cops. Once they were here he would go find Amelia.

Whatever state she was in.

The next hour passed in a blur. He spoke to the officers who arrived and they radioed back-up to help him find her. Junior showed up with Eddie and Steve took the dog, leaving the rest behind. He had a backpack with basic medical supplies and one of Amelia's shirt.

He gave Eddie the shirt and watched his dog sniff it over before sticking his nose to the ground and wandering back and forth. Finally, Eddie caught her scent and took off at a run. Steve was forced to sprint to catch up.

He let Eddie lead the way uphill until they reached a stretch of road with no houses. Steve had seen the tire tracks running off before Eddie reached them and he called Duke.

He ordered for search teams to cover the area but he didn't wait for them to show up. He let Eddie lead the way through the woods and the occasional glimpse of tire tracks reassured him he was going to right way.

He had gone about two miles through the forest when he found a cliff. The dread in his chest compounded with every minute until he noticed the tire tracks were considerably less deep directly before the cliff. He checked the soil, but it was the same consistency as the rest. That meant the bike had less weight when it went off.

She had managed to jump off.

The dread disappeared and was replaced with hope. Maybe Siham only thought she was dead. Amelia was resourceful. Maybe she got away.

He let Eddie sniff the shirt again and the dog walked back and forth, covering the ground quickly. He made slow circles around the area of the tracks, increasing his size of the circle each time.

Eventually, after several minutes of sniffing the ground, Eddie walked over to the cliff and lied down, whimpering. Steve felt his heart drop as he walked back to the edge. He peered over the ledge, hoping to see anything.

He pulled out his phone and called Duke.

"Get boats to dredge the water. I think Amelia went over the cliff."


I'm so eager to have this done just so I can rewrite it. That's why these chapters arent as long as I would like them to be.

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