Chapter 15

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Basically no editing, so let me know about plot holes/mistakes in grammar/punctuation. Enjoy!


Amelia craned forward, peering through the sheets of rain. It was getting worse and she was barely driving 10 miles an hour. She knew she was close to Iolani Palace, but she worried with the downfall she would miss her turn.

"Are you almost here?" Steve asked through the speaker on her phone.

"Just another minute or two."

"Hurricane is getting worse."

"I've noticed," Amelia muttered distractedly. She saw her turnoff but the parking lot was flooded with people. "I won't be able to park. I'm pulling over here."

"I'll meet you at the door. Otherwise it'll take forever for you to get inside. We're overrun in here." There was a small pause. "Better yet, pull around back and come in the garage. I'll let the officer know you're headed there."

Amelia hummed in answer and drove her car around back. She saw a car try to enter the garage and get turned away. She pulled up to the officer.

"Sorry, ma'am," the officer told her. "Everyone has to enter through the front."

"Steve McGarrett is my father. He said he'd let you know I was coming."

The guard's eyes widened with respect. "My bad, ma'am. Go on through."

Amelia pulled into the shelter of the parking garage. As she saw Steve she couldn't but think back to their visit to Danny's house.

"Come on," Grace said. "I'll show you my room."

Grace led her through the house to a small bedroom. It was covered in posters and pictures, a typical teenage girl's dream room. They sat on the bed and Amelia formally introduced herself.

"My dad has not stopped talking about you," Grace informed her, smiling conspiratorially.

"Good things, I hope." Amelia wasn't sure what to think of Grace. She seemed nice, but she was also a year younger than Amelia. And if the posters on the walls were any indication, she was totally boy-crazy.

"Well, Danno told me Steve might be sending you to Kukui, which stinks because I'm at Leeward Academy."

"Why wouldn't he send me to Leeward, then, if that's where you go?"

Grace shrugged. "I don't think he's a fan. It's a private school."

"No offense, but I think I'd rather go to public than private."

"Me too!" Grace rolled her eyes. "But my mom thinks I'll get a better education."

Amelia chuckled. "So, what do you think their talking about?"

That sneaky smile returned to Grace's face. "Why wonder when we can listen?"

Amelia frowned. She didn't have an issue with eavesdropping, but she doubted her ability to listen in on their conversation without being caught. "How?"

Grace held up a pair of AirPods. "I left my phone in the room with them. It picks up the volume and sends it to my AirPods."

"Quite the spy," Amelia laughed as she settled down to listen to the conversation.

Steve met her in the garage and led her upstairs. They had barely reached the top when an FBI agent waved Steve over. He glanced at her, but she quickly assured she would be fine in his office and headed there.

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