Chapter 14

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Amelia really did understand why Steve had to come in to work. That didn't stop him from taking her into his office to apologize again. In that same conversation Amelia tried to get him to tell her what was happening. She had asked if their were any updates in her parent's case so that he would have a great opportunity to tell her.

He didn't.

When she left she headed down to Jerry's office. He wasn't there, so she slipped inside with a flash drive she had taken from Steve's desk. She pulled up all the files recently accessed and downloaded them onto her computer. Then she manually deleted the history.

She ejected the flash drive and left Jerry's office. If Steve wouldn't tell her everything, she would find out on her own.


Steve had promised Amelia they would leave the Palace in about thirty minutes. He kept to that promise. They left and went to a small diner called Wailana Coffee House. It had that same small-town feel that Amelia loved from back home.

The waitress knew Steve. She offered to take their order right away but Steve denied, giving Amelia an opportunity to look through the menu.

The service was quick and they had their food in no time. They sat quietly, eating, while Amelia studied the people around them. She was lost in thought when there was a crash outside.

Steve was up immediately and ran towards the door. He paused just long enough to point at Amelia. "Call Danny, get cops down here."

Amelia didn't understand why Steve was worried. A car ran a red light and tboned another. It was bad, sure, but nothing to panic about. Regardless, she pulled out her phone and called Danny.


Steve has run out the door and rushed towards the crash. He could see it was bad. He doubted anyone else in the restaurant had seen what he had. The wreck wasn't caused by someone running a red light. It was caused because at least three of the lights at the intersection had turned green at once.

As he ran outside he could hear several horns honking in the distance. He couldn't be sure, but he suspected the same thing had happened at other intersections.

He was at the cars in seconds. He glanced in the first car but both occupants seemed to be fine. He went to the next car and could see they were in trouble.

The door had caved in on a lady's legs. Steve tested it, but it wouldn't budge. He went to the back window of the truck and kicked as hard as he could. The windshield caved in. He scrambled through it and assessed the situation.

The woman had gone unconscious. The man was dazed but he seemed alright aside from the possibility of a concussion and some bruising.

"Who're you?" The man muttered, frowning.

"I'm with the five-0 task force. I'm here to help."

Steve leaned forward and could see the seatbelt was tight on the woman's chest. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and flicked it open. It had a hook that he grabbed the seat belt with. He then jerked it backwards, tearing through the seatbelt and freeing everything but her leg.

The husband had by now gotten his door open and crawled out. He turned back to help but Steve waved him away.

"The space is too small," Steve muttered. "You'll get in the way. Go find me something I can use to leverage this door off of her."

The man disappeared and Steve focused on checking the lady. She had a cut to her head that was bleeding heavily, but it wasn't deep. Steve glances in the back seat and saw a suitcase. He opened it and pulled out a black t-shirt. He used the knife to tear it in a strip and wrap it around her head.

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