Chapter 7

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Danny and Steve left the conversation with Mrs. Kamaka and Steve clearly had a lot on his mind. Danny watched Steve walk into his office and drop in his chair.

Steve wanted to be alone. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Amelia.

Hey, just checking in. Do you need anything? He re-read the message before sending it.

Her answer came in a few seconds. No, I'm good. I hope it's ok that I borrowed a bike from the garage and went to explore the area a little.

That's fine, just don't get lost or anything. There's food in the fridge and I can call Kamekona if you decide you want something. He answered.

I'm good. Seriously, don't worry about me. She replied.

Steve set down his phone and couldn't control his nerves. He tapped his leg against the ground, completely lost in thought. Finally, Danny snapped him out of it.

"Hey, we've got something. Come on."

Steve got up and walked out of his office, eager for the distraction. They showed him the information they had and he got on the phone with Tani to share it.

Eventually, Lou pulled Steve outside.

"So, you've got a kid under your roof now."

"Yeah, Lou, coincidentally I had noticed that."

Lou rolled his eyes. "Steve."

"Sorry, man, I'm antsy. I should be at home right now. Or, I don't know, doing something. This inactivity is killing me."

"Have you noticed we are working a homicide?" Lou asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah, and that's helping. But I want to be at home. You have two kids, are you always this. . . scared?"

Lou smiled. "Pretty much."

"Good to know it doesn't go away."

Steve felt his phone ring and glanced at the ID. "It's Danny, let's go see what he's got."

They walked back into the main room and Danny rushed to meet them.

"Hey, just tried calling you, we've got a problem."

"What?" Steve asked.

"The GPS on the sub has showed movement, right? So Nostromo's people tried to get in touch with them, and nothing. The comms just stopped transmitting."

"Did you try to contact them?"

"Several times, we got nothing."

Lou frowned. "Well, sounds to me like they've been jacked, which means our guys are down there stranded or worse."

Steve furrowed his brows, thinking. "Danny, come with me. Lou, send me the coordinates of the Neptune to my phone, please. And how far away is that Coast Guard evacuation vessel?"

Lou turned away. "I'll hit them up and find out."

"All right, tell them me and Danny are gonna meet them at the dive site and, Lou, tell them to hurry."

"Yes, sir."


Steve and Danny had gotten a boat and were headed to the GPS coordinates.

"Slow down a bit," Danny called over the waves. "GPS says you're right on top of the lab."

"All right."

"Oh, there's the Coast Guard boat." Danny pointed to a ship easily miles away.

"That's good," Steve answered. "They should have a diving bell. I'll go down with the rescue team."

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