"It’ll be just like our first kiss." You noted. He smiled and pulled you closer. With your lips now locked you felt a drip on your arm. You screeched and jumped back, opening your arms wide. "Lou, I felt a drop," You sqeaked. He laughed and held out his arms, feeling tiny little droplets fall onto his skin.

The rain grew heavier and you smirked at Louis, kissing him like no tomorrow. He stopped and you pulled back slightly. You gave him a questioning look.

"You know how you always say you want me to be your last first kiss and love the song?" He started. You nodded unsteadily. "Well, Love, it will be," He said and bent down on one knee. You covered your mouth and your eyes widened.


You and Harry met in his hometown when he was there for a concert. Ever since you met, you felt a spark. Yes, I know, so cliche, but you really, really loved the cheeky boy.

You closed your eyes, gripping the arm rests. Planes were never really your best interest but you’d do anything to see those beautiful emerald eyes again.

You felt extremely guilty, always making him visit you and your family so now it was your turn.

The plane wheels bounced on the ground and you gulped down a scream. You took a glance outside the window and saw your favorite quaint town, Holmes Chapel. You loved everything about it, from the British accents to breathtaking views.

Although you arrived at a small, run down airport due to a requested ‘hidden’ location by Harry, you still loved the cold, rainy, and gloomy feel.

"Please exit in a fashionably manner," The speakers intoned. You blocked out the droning of the voice and turned on your phone immediately.

Landed xx You sent the text to Harry and ripped your seatbelt off, snatching your only luggage — since you were staying only two days due to school — and dashing off the plane like it was on fire.

Your maneuvered through people hugging, talking and getting their luggage, bolting out the doors. You looked around, not spotting Harry anywhere. You knew he would be here on time, maybe even early so he’s probably plotting something to scare you.

"Ah HA!" You twirled around to see a random woman jump. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else." You blushed and timidly turned back around. Oh, I bet he planned this shit…

Suddenly, at the little cafe across the street you saw brown curls emerge from the door, coffee in hand and the other gripping an umbrella.

"Harry!" You screeched, shocking him as you rushed across the street. The rain was already making your clothes stick to your skin but you didn’t care.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed as you wrapped him in a tight embrace, dropping your bag and he dropped his umbrella. "I’ve missed you so much." He purred into your ear.


"You know what? I don’t need you anymore! I’M DONE." And with that, he slammed the door.

He left you in hysterical sobs. This is never how your fights end. They always end in happy kisses and maybe even get more heated but now you were on your bedroom floor and he was storming down the stairs.

You buried your face in his pillow.

You knew he was stalling because the front door didn’t slam until minutes of crying. You screamed and threw the pillow at the bedroom door.

Once you caught your breath, with noodle-like legs, you got up and peered out the window with mascara stained cheeks.

Liam was leaning over the car hood, hands propping himself up. You could imagine his heavy sigh and realization of what he just did.

He looked up at the window, thinking you wouldn’t be there and you met eyes. Rain dripped off his hair and down his back making him look incredibly attractive. You mouthed ‘Liam’ and he couldn’t bear see you like this with tears stains and red, puffy eyes. You could’t stand him like that either.

No matter what you loved him. You wouldn’t let him get away. You bolted as fast as you could, ignoring shoes and coats and all things to keep you away from the bitter coldness. It smacked you face when you opened the front door but your frown wavered in a grin when you saw Liam waiting, facing you.

You let out one last sob and rushed toward him, almost tackling him in an embrace.

"Don’t go, don’t go." You pleaded. He sighed happily.

"I-I thought it was real this time…" He admitted.

"I would never let that happen."

He took a shaky breath and kept you tight in his arms.


Proud to announce yet another book (am I ever going to keep up with these books?) These first few stories will be my ideas, some requested from tumblr too, until I get messages from you guys :)

Have a good day/night Lovies xx

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