Chapter 2

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After you saw the monk run away you saw a man in a black uniform appear before you. He had V bangs and a cigarette in his mouth. It did not even take a minute for you to realise that he is from the Shinsengumi, the special shogunate police. He came up to ask you,

" Ma'am I hope you are alright and were not harmed because of the explosion. I am Hijikata, Shinsengumi vice commander, Aggh that Katsura he ran away again."

You enquired, " Are you talking about that monk ?"

"Monk my ass he is nothing, but a jouishishi (Anti foreigner faction/ simply terrorist). Well, Ma'am, this is advice stay away from joui's they simply plunder and destroy stuff in the name of patriotism."

"Shouldn't you die first Hijikata," said a man with sandy hair colour, while shooting a bazooka. Hijikata replied, "Sougo you bastard."

You got up and laughed thinking that the police is not much different from the jouishishi. It was a fun enough encounter but you had to find Shiro. You searched everywhere over the top of trees, beside trash cans and even in the dark alleys.


It was almost evening. Shiro had been missing the whole day and you had not gone back to your cafe even once. You were worried if she might have gotten hurt. As sun was about to set down, you were crossing the bridge going back defeated that you could not find Shiro. Just then you th you say a very big amanto, looking as if wearing a penguin costume. It was joined shortly by a monk who looked just like the one you had seen in the morning. You came closer to them to take a better look. You saw one look of that monk and was sure that it was Katsura. You thought that maybe you should tell that to the Shinsengumi but then you saw Shiro with them. The amanto was playing with them.

Katsura (I will now use katsura for him since y/n has identified him now) said, "Elizabethu please let me also touch the cat."

The amanto raised a sign, "No katsura-san animals don't like you."

"Please Please , (◕ㅅ◕✿) " he said with puppy eyes looking at that amanto. The amanto raised another sign " ok fine."

You saw that Shiro had wounded her paw and was about to rush to help but then you saw katsura tear a length of his sleeve and tied it around her paw. "who did this to such a cute kitty," he said to Shiro. Amanto raised another sign saying " I found it beside the bridge meowing." Katsura thought that Shiro might be hungry so he took out a tasty stick, (corn flavoured) from his sleeve and offered Shiro while offering he tried to pet Shiro. Shiro scratched his hand and bit his finger.

You decided that it was high time you take Shiro back so you approached both of them from behind and greeted them, "Excuse me, this is my cat, I am y/n."

Katsura replied, "Excuse me Janai katsura da. Oh sorry, we did not know." He handed the cat to me, while Shiro kept on biting his hand. "I guess cats really don't like me," he said.

Katsura looked so sad, with sad eyes ('•̥̥̥ ‸ •̥̥̥'✿) he almost felt that he might cry because Shiro rejected him.

"Thank you for taking care of my cat, I run a pet cafe and as a return of thanks for this favour I would like to invite both of you to my pet cafe which is down the kabukicho district on another lane," you said without thinking much because katsura just looked so sad.

"Really y/n dono, I will come for sure. Oh, I haven't introduced myself I am katsura Kotarou and this is Elizabeth," said he with his eyes glowing up. (灬'ᴗ'灬)

"I would love to see you both tomorrow"

With that, you greeted both katsura and Elizabeth and thanked them one more time.

While going back you thought to yourself that katsura didn't seem like the way hijikata described him. In fact, he felt so innocent and caring. You didn't realise but there was a hint of pink on your cheeks. You went back to the cafe with Shiro, tended her wound and cleaned the cafe a bit. Somehow you were excited for the meeting tomorrow.

Note: I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I thank you so much for spending your time reading it. This chapter got a lil longer but I had to officially introduce these characters to our y/n. I wanted to show a cute side of katsura that he loves animals but he doesn't really know how to act with them. So bear with me in the next chp there will be more cute moments between them. Our y/n has already started to like katsura 😉. If you would like something to happen in the story or just something you want to say to me then please do leave comments, every read/vote/comment really motivates me. Thankyou so much I will try to update the next chapter quickly.

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