"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. I don't know if something hurts you or is bothering you when it comes to me, if you don't tell me."

"I'm scared."

"Of what Dyl?"

"The possibility of an us?"

"Possibility?" He stated faking offense. 

"You know what I mean stupid." I tapped my helmet against his now that we were at a red light. He took my hands in his placing one on his chest and the other on his stomach.

"I wish you could feel my heart racing right now."

"I'd blame the bike." I shrugged.

"It's because of you." I heard him let out a breath. "Ten years Dylan. I was with Tia and couldn't get you off my mind. She never made my heart race. She would get pissed anytime she knew you were out with the guys and I was there. Apparently for good reason." He took off because the light was green. "I pushed anything I felt for you away for so long, and I don't want us moving fast trying to see what an us could be, but damnit I don't want to go slow with you."

"I don't want to ruin our friendship. I don't know what I'd do without you Colson."

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere." He reached his left hand back to caress my leg. Something he has never done before, and my heart melted. "You know, you are the only woman that has ever been on the back of any of my bikes?" I laughed.


"I'm serious."

"That's impossible Cole!"

"Tia didn't want to be on the death machines as she called them. Always told me one day I was going to die on one. I told her so be it at least I'd be smiling, and I never mentioned it to any of the others I dated, wasn't worth it."

"That's such a you thing to say." I teased.

"Eh, you know me better than I know myself. By the way, thank you for the cheesecake and leftovers."

"It was nothing." I shrugged.

"It meant something." He turned down the residential street. "At least it did to me, meant I might have a chance to fix us."

"Well stupid don't break us and you won't have to fix us." His laugh engulfed my helmet and I couldn't help but smile.

"I will try my best. You know better than anyone that I can be stupid sometimes. You've always been best at putting me in my place though. So, what do you say we see where this thing between us goes?"

"You intentionally asking me when you can't see my reaction?" He turned into Jordan's driveway. I hopped off the back and he turned the bike off and got off also. Then motioned for me to take the helmet off, while he took his gear off.

"I was asking because I want to know the answer." He closed the gap between us and put his hands on my hips, pulling me against him. "Because if you don't want to explore what could be, what we could be, then I'll drop it and friends we will stay. But if friends we stay you can't get mad if I go out on a date." He eyed me.

"You aren't allowed to go on any dates, unless they're with me." I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.

"Deal." He pulled me against him and pressed his lips to mine. "So, does that mean."

"Shut up and kiss me before one of our friends see." He smiled against my lips and kissed me with a dip that made me giggle. Setting me upright I was a little dazed, he kissed my forehead before taking my hand in his and started walking towards the front door.

"Let the world see." I bit my lip and looked down following him inside.

"YO! COLE!" Jordan ran up the second he saw us walk through the door. "DYLLY!" Stupid nickname he gave me way too long ago. I rolled my eyes.

"Jordie." He hugged me, then bro hugged Cole.

"What's this?" He pointed to our hands; Cole just shrugged with a smile. "Finally, bro? Fucking finally?!" He hugged Cole again. "Happy for you man." Then pointed at me. "And you Dylly, if you don't let him out of the house for poker nights." A slight glare with a hint of laughter hiding behind his words.

"Excuse me, I'm at poker nights." I stated.

"Shit, that's true! Fuck yes! This is going to be awesome!" Jordan yelled before taking off to the backyard. 28, he's twenty fucking eight. I shook my head and looked up at Cole. He shrugged his shoulders and let out a laugh.

"I don't know why I'm friends with him either." I laughed since he knew exactly what I was thinking. It took us a bit but we finally made it out back with everyone about a half hour or so later, because we stopped to talk to everyone inside first. It was like a big reunion, people we haven't seen in years were at this thing, and I don't even know what the point of the party was. Or if there even was a point to the party come to think about it.

"DYLAN!" I spun around even though Cole's arm was around my waist.

"KAYLE!" He let go of me and I took off running to my bestie, well you know my other bestie.

"I am so happy you are here!"


"I missed you so much!"

"SAME!" I laughed. We hugged tight and Cole walked up beside us. "Where is Bennett?"

"Oh, he parked the car he'll be over in a few. He's so excited to see everyone!"

"Hey sis."

"Hey big bro." She smiled giving her brother a loving hug.



"I'll grab it, be right back." He winked at me before walking away.

"So, we need to talk. I need to know what you think about."

"You and Cole finally getting together? I couldn't be happier." I looked at her confused. "It was only a matter of time." She shrugged her shoulders. Cole walked back over and handed her a beer. "Congrats big bro, happy for you. Treat her right will ya?" Cole looked at her confused then looked at me.

"She knows somehow." I answered with a shrug.

"You talked to Mom." He pointed at Kayle, she giggled and walked away.

Needing You (You Series, Book 1, Finding Happiness Spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now