The first switch

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First chapter, I hope you like it. its_only_cyiee I took some time I'm sorry for that.



Only 10% people in the whole world are granted a soulmate. It is not genetic, so it doesn't depend if the family never had a soulmate, every new born has a chance of having a soulmate. Not having a soulmate is also normal. Marinette knew this. She could see all the colors since birth, she never had a soulmark, she didn't have anything written on any part of her body. No writing ever appeared on her skin, she never got any bruises which were not hers, she couldn't hear anyone singing with her whenever she sings or she can't hear any song in her head.

She accepted it cause it's normal. She doesn't have a soulmate like 90% of the world's population. Her parents were soulmates. They told her that it's normal so she never minded cause it's normal. She repeated this mantra in her head,"I am normal." until she wasn't.

She was eating dinner with her family. But then their voices were muffled, they mixed together and her vision became blurry. Then suddenly it all went silent and she was somewhere else. She looked around. It was a dirty place, wet and dark. She noticed that her hands were rougher and dirtier. She was wearing torn clothes. She wasn't in her body. She felt her, his stomach growl. She pulled his shirt up to see he was very thin and his ribs were peaking out of her flesh.

But the question was Where is she? Whose body is she in? Why is she in this boy's body?

The pieces clicked in her mind, a soulmate bond. A bond in which you swipe bodies with your soulmate. It is very rare bond. She has a soulmate and she is not normal. She smiled because she has a soulmate! But then worry flooded her.

Why is her soulmate so malnourished? Why is he starving like he hasn't eaten properly from months? Her soulmate is probably in her body. Hopefully he will enjoy the food.

She wants to hug him. But she can't. She wants to hide him from the whole world, but she can't.

She just sat there in his body for about two hours dreading that he has to suffer so much. She sat there and cried curled up in a ball.


Jason was familiar with soulmates. They are two halves of a whole. Only 10% of the population have their significant other. Both the soulmates are very close in age. He didn't have any physical or emotional signs of having a soulmate.

He never paid much attention to it. His mother came drunk every day, he has to survive that. He has no time for this soulmate shit. Then his mother died and he became a street kid. He stole money and food but it wasn't enough. He was starving. He didn't have time to think about soulmates.

He was sitting in a abandoned house he had found. He was safe here. Nobody ever came here, not that he knows. His stomach growled louder. Then his vision became blurry and he started to hear muffled voices of two? people talking . His vision became clear and he was sitting on a dinner table. Two people, one lady with bluish black hair and a man who was very big with brown hair were sitting there, talking to each other in some language he didn't recognize. He was sitting there too on a chair. There was a plate of food in front of me but he couldn't eat it. Who were those people?

They seemed to notice me but to my surprise, the lady spoke very softly, worry visible in both their eyes,"Are you alright sweetie? Why aren't you eating?"

He just hardened his eyes and asked,"Who are you? and Where am I?" He touched his neck by instincts. Why was his voice so girly?

The man and the woman looked at each other with furrowed brows,"We are your parents Marinette. Are you feeling alright?"He looked at his hands. His ands were so smooth and smaller than his own and he was wearing a skirt, he touched his hair but they were pulled in two pigtails.

"I am not Marinette. I am Jason." He replied.

The couple looked at each other and then they were looking visibly happy. The lady smiled at him,"Well Jason. I am Sabine Cheng and this is Tom Dupain. We are your soulmate's parents. Her name is Marinette Dupain Cheng."

He was confused," S-Soulmate but I don't have a soulmate."

Tom smiled at him,"You do, your soulmate bond is very rare. In this bond you switch bodies with your soulmate."

His eyes widened in fear. He ran to the nearest mirror. He was indeed in a girl's body with black hair and bluebell eyes. His soulmate was sitting in the house at least she was safe if she stayed there. She would be hungry.

The couple came to him, Jason took a step back instinctively.

The lady, Sabine said,"Breathe sweetie, it's okay you are safe."

He slowly made his breathing even. She has to be safe. He sat on a chair. Then he told them," She is not safe."

Tom's eyes widened,"Why?"

He sighed,"I-I m a street kid. I was sitting at a.... safe house but if she went outside she may get killed, I may get killed. It's-It's a dangerous place."

Sabine smiled and hugged him,"Don't worry sweetie, she will not go anywhere. She is an intelligent girl. Why don't you write a note for her to tell her what she should avoid."

He nodded. They led her upstairs to a room that screamed PINK. He was given a notebook to write on with a pencil.

Tom put his huge hand on his shoulder."Don't worry, she knows English."

He hesitantly said,"I-I want some....privacy."

They both nodded and left. He wrote a note on how and what to do in different situations.

He had a light conversation with the couple. Now he knew that she was 8 years old and was a french citizen. She was fluent in English, French and Mandarin. After some time his world became blurry again and he was back at the house. He touched his cheek to find it wet.

Wh-Why was his soulmate crying?


After some hours, she heard voice of her parents, she opened her eyes to see her parents in front of her. She hugged them and cried. Her parents comforted her. When she calmed down, her parents told her about the note. She ran to her room to see a notebook on her table. She opened it to see a note from her soulmate, in beautiful and neat handwriting.

Hello Marinette, I am Jason Todd........................


She's fluent in English because she lived in America for some time with her aunt and she learnt Mandarin from her mother.

Sorry for the delay.



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