A Night In

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It was a cold October evening and  most of the Slytherin's were all cuddled up in their beds. all warm and snug. However there were a handful of students in the common room trying to get their homework done for the next day so that they could go to bed among this handful of students were two young boys sitting on the sofa staring at the fireplace which held the most beautiful fire, you see this fire wasn't the normal color of fire. no this fire was emerald, to match the rest of the Slytherin's decor. The boy's were watching the flames dance around and were feeling the heat being emitted from the green ball of heat. Albus was the first to break the silence, with a simple question directed at the platinum blonde haired boy sat beside him. 

"Scorpius, do you like Y/N?" he asked and he turned his head ever so slightly to see the blonde.

The blonde was rather startled by this question, he answered rather unconvincingly with a "ummmm... no why?"

Albus didn't believe Scorpius but decided not to press the matter as no good would come out of a situation like that. he knew that when and if Scorpius was ready he wold tell him. They are best friends after all. "It's just I heard someone say it a few days ago and just wondered if it was true. Is there someone else you like?" 

"Well i kind of like Rose but i can't lie to you i do kind of like Y/N as well," Scorpius innocently replied whilst a rosey blush spread across his snow like cheeks. 

"Aha so they were right, wait you like my cousin?" 

"A little bit"

Before the boys could continue their conversation the door opened to reveal the topic of their conversation, Y/N. She had come back just in time as curfew was just about to end. Albus was once again the one to break the silence, by saying "Hey Y/N". 

"Hey Albus, hey Scorpius" the h/c haired girl replied. a smile plastered on her face showing just how happy she was. She was always a really happy person, she was able to brighten up a room by being in it. She was the sort of girl everyone wanted to be. She was kind, beautiful, smart, funny but just like everyone else she had her problems, she just tried her hardest to not let them show.  To the two boys she was everything they could ever want. 

"Hey" Scorpius said nervously but he hid it well.

The girl didn't want to go to bed just yet and she wanted to spend some time with the boys who she used to spend so much time with, there was nothing that happened, Y/N just started hanging out with other people from her dorm and other people from her classes. The boys didn't mind they were glad she was socializing, they themselves didn't have the confidence for that. "What are you two up to then?" the blonde/brunette/redhead/etc inquired. 

"Nothing really just having a little chat," Albus replied.

"So do you want to play a game then, just like old times?"

"Sure, truth or dare? We used to play that loads in first year"

Y/N and Albus nodded their heads in agreement, Albus then went to go get a bottle for them to spin. He put the bottle on the floor and they all sat in a small circle and then the bottle was spun. It landed on Scorpius who looked nervous. Scorpius chose dare, not knowing what his best friend was thinking. Albus dared him to hug Y/N, it wasn't the hug that Scorpius didn't like it was the fact that Albus made him do it knowing how he felt about her. None the less Scorpius and Y/N awkwardly hugged and they seperated as quickly as they could, Scorpius then spun the bottle hoping it would land on his best friend so he could plan some form of revenge but he was disappointed that it actually landed on Y/N. 

"So, truth or dare?" the disappointed boy asked

"D-- actually truth" she replied​

Scorpius asked the first question that came to mind and asked if she liked anyone. She answered with a yes. She spun the bottle without knowing that Scorpius was staring at her. Albus chose to do a dare so Y/ N chose to be the cunning Slytherin she was and dared him to go and kiss Gemma who was sitting on the other side of the common room struggling to finish her potions essay due first lesson tomorrow. Without hesitation he got up and kissed Gemma, who then had no idea how she was going to finish her essay, and walked back like nothing had happened. 

They spun the bottle one last time and it landed on Y/N. Albus decided to be really mean when she chose dare so dared her to kiss Scorpius. Scorpius gave his best friend a death stare. Y/N leaned over and pecked the blonde boy on the lips, however Albus had other ideas and wanted them to kiss properly. He whined at the fact they hadn't 'properly' kissed. So they kissed again but this time more passionately.

"Well I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed see you later. Good night" Albus said.

"Night Al" Scorpius said.

"Night Albus" Y/N said.

Albus left to go to bed and not a few seconds later y/n turned to the remaining boy and said "can I ask you a question?"

The blond boy was confused but nodded anyway. He had no idea what she would ask him, would it be a good thing or a bad thing. 

"Is it true you have a crush on me?" The girl asked without hesitation.

"Well........... Yes." Scorpius replied quietly. He looked down sad he was ashamed while y/n was startled due to the fact that rumor was true. Y/N got up to leave as she wasn't expecting that answer as it was rather rare for a rumor to be true but she was stopped by Scorpius grabbing her wrist. She was internally panicking. 

"Who do you like?" Scorpius asked hoping he might get the answer he wanted, him.

"Somebody in Slytherin. Goodnight Scorpius." Y/N said before leaving.

"Night Y/N" Scorpius managed to say before the beautiful girl left.

"Somebody​ in Slytherin" Scorpius said to himself wondering who it might be.

Author's Note:

Well I finally started re-writes!!! Woooo!! 

There will probably some plot changes as i got bored last time and rushed the ending... if you couldn't tell. please do tell me your opinions and any ideas you have as it would be  more fun to write knowing i am writing what you want to read. 

Hope you enjoy this version more.

Happy reading, be kind, 

Mia xx

A Love Pentagon A Albus X Reader X Scorpius Story Where stories live. Discover now