Chapter 4 Trouble in the Easter (Spring)

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"Yeah, I measured it once." Chase also slapped Marshall's face gently. "And sure, I will find it!" Chase panted in excitement.

"Okay, what deal did you two do?" Rocky picked the egg Marshall put inside with his pincers. "This looked interesting, though."

"You don't have to know!" Chase stuck his tongue out.

"This sounded like a scandal fow me!" Zuma giggled, along with Rocky.

"Aw come on! It's not!" Marshall groaned.

"Well, I'll put this egg in a safe spot. Whatever you guys promised on each other, I'm hoping you will get it!" Rocky secured the egg.

"Thank you so much, Rocky! I really appreciate that!" Chase grinned widely.

"Ryder! Ryder! I have a huge egg!" Alex suddenly came to the City hall while carrying a bag.

"Oh, hey Alex! Huh? A huge egg?" Ryder greeted him.

"Wait, let me fetch it first." Alex opened his bag and looked up for something. When he pulled his hands out, he lifted a bigger egg compared to the others.

"Wow, Alex! That's a really enormous egg!" Mayor Goodway, who saw it too, approached them.

"Thank you, Mayor! I believe this will be the greatest egg at the Easter!" Alex handed the egg to Ryder.

It's a simple egg, but filled with colorful paints. The combination of the colors turned that egg into a really beautiful thing.

"Rocky, mind putting this at the basket?" Ryder gave the egg to Rocky.

"Will do, Ryder!" Rocky grabbed the egg with his pincer and put it inside the basket. "And this is the biggest egg we have at the moment!" Rocky exclaimed.

But then, a great problem happened

"EAGLE!" Skye pointed to the sky. Everyone looked up.

A giant eagle flew on top of them. It looked like it is searching for something. It kept on spinning around and screeching until it saw the basket.

"Uh oh." Rocky gulped seeing the eagle looking at him.

That eagle flew down hastily and grabbed the basket's handle. Unfortunately, both Rocky and Chickaletta were inside the basket.

"ROCKY!" Everyone panicked.

"Oh no! My chicken! And my eggs! How dare you!" Mayor Goodway also yelled when she noticed Chickaletta's gone.

"Alex! Tell me where did you get that egg!" Ryder shook Alex's shoulders, panicked.

"I-I found it when I was hiking with grandpa!" Alex answered nervously.

"That gotta be an eagle's egg!" Chase concluded.

"Obviously. We have to move quick! Rubble! Return to the City Hall as soon as possible!" Ryder contacted Rubble.

"Yes sir!" Rubble responded.

"Ryder! You gotta save the eggs and both Rocky and Chickaletta!" Mayor Goodway ordered Ryder.

"We'll try our best!" Ryder answered.

"Oh my god, someone save him!" Zuma panicked and ran away here and there, like there was no reason to stop.

"Zuma! Hold yourself first!" Marshall grabbed Zuma's paw. "We promise will get him back. But you gotta calm down." Marshall looked at Chase.

"Right. But, if we need your help, you gotta move as fast as you can." Chase agreed. "Ryder, Rubble, and Skye will also help him too. We will get Rocky back."

"What Marshall and Chase said are true. We won't let Rocky in a big trouble. If we're helping, you gotta help him too." Skye also nodded.

"..." Zuma remained speechless. Seeing his friends reaction, he wept slowly. "S-suwe... I twust you guys to bwing him back..." he sobbed.

"No need for tears, dude." Chase wiped Zuma's tear. "2 years being together, and you think that we will let Rocky like that?" Chase smiled.

"Y-you're right... it's just... odd to think how panicked I am right now compared to before we confessed, Chase..." Zuma stopped crying.

"That's normal, Chase felt the same way." Marshall nodded. "We're waiting your orders, Ryder!"

"We need to wait Rubble first. For now, just calm Zuma down." Ryder tapped his foot several times. "Where could he be now?"

"Rubble's here!" Rubble appeared from Mr. Porter's café direction. "Wait... where is the basket? And why there are only four of you!? Where's Rocky!?" Rubble noticed what's going on and panicked.

"Alright, line up first! I will tell our plan." Ryder clapped his hands, gathered every single pups that was available. "Okay, you guys saw what happened. An eagle took the big basket that contains the Easter eggs, Chickaletta, and also Rocky. We have to save him, but we gotta work in synergy this time. I believe the eagle put the basket next to the nest." Ryder started his explanation.

"Rubble, you go with us in case we got obstructed on the road." Ryder looked at Rubble. "Marshall, use your ladder to reach out for the nest and save both Rocky and Chickaletta." He moved to Marshall. "Chase, in case Marshall's plan failed, use your net to catch them in safety." Ryder kept on explaining. "Skye, you have to help us finding the nest from air. And in case we found it, you have to carry it away. Any questions?" Ryder stopped.

"Me, Wyder?" Zuma asked.

"We will need your backup for sure. For now, just stay at the City Hall and paint some of the eggs Rubble carried moments ago." Ryder answered. "And, remain calm. I need you to do so."

"S-sure, Wyder... I twust you guys..." Zuma nodded slowly.

"Time to get going!" Ryder jumped to his ATV, followed with the others who entered their vehicles. After everyone was ready, they went to the hills.

"Be caweful, evewyone... bwing Wocky back..."

(Running Through Time) ~ A Yearbook of Chase and Marshall ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang