Chapter 4 pt 3

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"Anyway... I owe you guys a billion thanks." Zuma came to Chase and Marshall's spot.

"You should've thanked yourself for bringing us the fishes, Zuma. You also participated in this rescue. Thanks for helping us so we can save Rocky from that nest." Chase rubbed Zuma's head and worked on his egg.

"Things are going well again, now. You better return to your spot, Rocky won't be able to move much without you!" Marshall giggled and continued his painting.

"Hehe, wight. Thanks, once again!" Zuma returned.

"Aw..." Chase frowned when he looked inside the basket.

"What's it, Chase?" Marshall asked.

"Your Easter egg..." Chase sighed.

"Gone, huh? Maybe it fell when Rocky fell over, too." Marshall shrugged. "It's fine, though. Just an egg, not you who's gone."

"B-but... our promise?" Chase whimpered sad.

"Ah, about that... don't mind it. You found the egg or not, I'd still sleep with you!" Marshall grinned. His nose touched softly with Chase's nose. "I only made that offer so you'd be spending this Easter with full of spirit, hehe." Marshall licked Chase's nose.

"...I'm glad no one sees us now." Chase covered his face which turned red. "Still, thank you so much. You are the best, dear." Chase thanked his little brother. Marshall laughed when he saw Chase's embarrassed reaction.

After the eggs were finished, they spread the eggs around Adventure Bay. Paw Patrol joined the Easter egg hunt, and helped some kids who are unlucky to get their own eggs. They had fun at the Easter, although Rocky had to stick with Zuma the whole time thanks to his 'broken' bone.

At night, everyone was curious about the baby eagle that Rocky told them. They checked the nest from the Lookout's periscope.

"Oh my! The egg has fully hatched!" Rocky exclaimed.

"Wait, I'll move the periscope's vision to the big screen." Ryder turned on the big screen and moved the periscope's vision.

A baby eagle hatched from that colorful egg. It also had colorful hair, thanks to Alex who painted the egg. The momma eagle gave it some bird foods and also loved her own child.

"Aw!" Everyone got touched by that scenery.

"At least it returned to where it is supposed to be!" Ryder nodded happily. "Anyway, it's bed time for you guys. Go take a rest, you all have been such good pups. And Rocky, are you alright now?" Ryder sent them off and asked Rocky.

"Well, better! Thanks, Rubble, for the massage." Rocky stretched his legs.

"No problem, Rocky! I'm glad that Zuma only broke some of your bone instead the whole thing." Joked Rubble, which triggered everyone's laughter.

"Shut up!" Zuma giggled.

"Sure thing, Ryder! Let's go, guys!" Skye entered the lift and the rest joined her.

When they were inside the lift, Chase nudged Marshall's hand. "Um, cough."

"What plans are you two having?" are the thing that their friends said mostly. Both Chase and Marshall laughed in embarrassment and lowered their hats.

"Anyway, how was your deal, Chase?" Rocky giggled.

"Mind if I tell them, Marshie?" Chase asked. Marshall nodded. "Well... we were having an agreement, if I can find that egg, Marshall would sleep with me tonight. Sadly, the egg was missing. I guess it's gone when we tried to save you, Rocky." Chase explained.

"Aw shucks, my bad." Rocky scratched his ear.

"No, we don't really care about that egg. We promised Zuma to carry you back, and we did. And, either he found it or not, the result would be the same!" Marshall grinned.

"Well, how about if we sleep at the lounge?" Rubble suggested.

"That sounded great! We really should try that once!" Skye agreed. "And... possibly, a chance for another couple." Skye glanced at both Rocky and Zuma.

"What?" Rocky growled.

"Thought you guys would like this idea." Skye giggled.

"Obviously! I do like it!" Zuma panted.

When they arrived at downstair, Zuma 'threw' himself to a bean bag and asked Rocky to sleep next to him. "Wocky! Ovew here!" Zuma patted a spot next to him.

"Dear, please." Rocky shook his head and laughed with the others. "Wait, coming!" Rocky walked to Zuma's spot.

"Wait, it was my idea, why are they getting on first?" Marshall asked abruptly, and it caused the others to laugh again.

"Fiwst come, fiwst sewved, Mawshall!" Zuma stuck his tongue out. Rocky embraced Zuma and closed his eyes slowly.

"Shh, Zuma. Go to sleep now."  Rocky patted Zuma's shoulder.

"Alright. Night, Wocky." Zuma giggled for a while and put his head next to Rocky's cheek.

"I also wonder how does it sleep with the comfort and warmth from you guys." Rubble took a spot and stretched his body. After a moment, he laid himself on the floor.

"Secretly Rubble is a compassionate person, huh?" Skye took position between them.

"Gotta admit it, he's the youngest after all. No wonder." Chase laughed.

"Eheh... I do have soft sides that only you guys may know." Rubble yawned and covered his mouth. He took a sleeping blindfold located under the carpet. "Lucky I keep this here." That Bulldog applied the blindfold. "Night, everyone."

"Today is super tiring for me, guys. I'm glad things went well..." Skye lowered her head and put her head on her arms. "G'night, Chase and Marshall. Sleep well, sweet dreams, you two." Skye closed her eyes.

Chase and Marshall were the only one who haven't picked a position yet. They looked at each other and laughed sheepishly.

"You go first, sweetie." Chase let Marshall pick his position. He laid himself down on a spacious area.

"C'mere, Chase." Marshall patted on the area next to his position. Chase walked over and laid down next to Marshall.

Marshall leaned his head on Chase's shoulder, but Chase embraced Marshall and nuzzled his cheek quickly. "Wh-what was that for!?" Marshall stood up, blushed quite deep.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold. I wanna do that sometimes, you did that to me too often nowadays." Chase giggled. "I wonder how'd it looks like to see you blushing being embarrassed to me, hehe."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever floats on your boat, I guess." Marshall also giggled and rubbed his own face. He returned to his position and leaned once again.

"Hey, get yourself comfy, Marshie dear. Just sleep, have a nice sleep." Chase patted Marshall's back several times and pulled him closer.

"Sure, Chase... good night... sleep well..." Marshall closed his eyes and smiled. After several minutes, Marshall snored already.

"Heh... Your lovely snoring noise, I like them..." Chase giggled and also closed his eyes. "Well... good night, everyone..."

(Running Through Time) ~ A Yearbook of Chase and Marshall ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora