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🐬perfect heart🐬
     🐬imperfect heart🐬


finally it was time that i support mark to sit on seat of president of SARN group with confidence that though he is young but he can lead the group in a professional manner. my law team alongwith law team of SARN group reached to SARN group in my private security and was present in board room . where San was also present with hope of sitting on seat of president of group.

though korn knock was shifted to their new home which is in our neighbourhood but they were still comatised. but it wasnt possible to let strangers ruin the hardwork of Sarnians  so i asked vee and shaofei take care of knock korn and i along with mark drove to SARN GROUP..

on entering the board room, a buzzing and whispering was started. i knew that this situation probably better to say the attitude of board members can make mark either demon or  loser. 

mark was going to sit on side seat of president seat .but i grabbed his arm and made him sit on seat of president.it raised the noise and san throw fist on table.

"how such young man can be president .there are mature professionals over here.moreover voting of board members is also important." san yelled

i saw my law team who hand over documents to all.
but before i said something mark stood up and said

" actually in the last annual meeting, you all already choose me  mark woorasarn as president of group. moreover, according to law of company, you cant call board voting on call of irrelevant person. so this call is illegal. moreover, mr korn is alive though comatosed . he is sole owner of this group. and
mr tangyi suppasit as guardian here to support me  in business.so before the whole board in breachment of law is dismissed with penalty better leave board room and focus on work from now on.because i am mark knock worrasarn, i wont go easy on any traitor.and mr san.  you stay lets have a word"
mark said

i was surprised that mark had not only go through all documents but like a cunning professional businessman he controlled the situation.moreover i also told him about San. though he shocked to listen all  but not a single tear shed from his eyes. and now i was waiting what he is going to say to San.

" if i met you in normal circumstances than i ll be very happy that i have an uncle as well . but honestly the way you appeared and instead of sitting by my side on that day when my parents were in between life and death in operation theatre  , you came to talk about holding the business. this made you suspicious in my eyes. i spy you and i get to know that you are like this since the day you entered in worrasarn family. grandfather wanted you to help him but you were interested in money and when due to all your bad habits, grandpa trained my dad and your own mom abandon you , you killed them and now you were threatening my dad and on my name. mr san, its easy to be devil but God always burn devil in hell. i can call police and with all solid proofs i can send you behind bars for ever but i wont do this. perhaps one day you realise that you have done wrong a lot to person who always consider you his elder brother. for whom you are still family. mr san, its easy to water the soil to the limit that it became marshy quagmire but if quagmire trap you then .. its doesnt effect me that whether you feel sorry for your deeds or not but better stay away from me and from the people who are family to me. because i wont let you chance of excuse next time.

then he took some documents from his lawyer and placed in front of san " this is document which you will sign that you wont interefere again in our private professional life. moreover , it has documents of house purchased for you in san fransisco and every year i ll transfer amount in your account for your living. i think its the most noble thing i do for you last time . dont think that if i am young i cant foil your poisonous webs. i can do it in better way. i am mark worrasarn not korn worrasarn." mark said .

San was totally dumb in all convo. he silently signed the papers . mark took the papers and asked his one of staff member to drove him to airport where worrasarn private jet was waiting to take him to san fransisco USA.


thankyou for reading
to be continued
i am greatful
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