🍄story 12🍄

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      🍎perfect heart🍏
              🍏imperfect love🍎


finally orientation day came to end but after orientation i dragged vee to market though i knew very well that he isnt
interested to accompany me to market .

as we reached parking lot, the weirdos ohm fluke were following us..
"hey vee mark, listen" i opened passenger door for vee to sit and stood by side to listen them

"lets exchange numbers are you dorm resident" fluke asked.
before vee spill out tea, i respond"you can take my number, vee hardly give his number to anyone.yes dorm residenr and are you dorm resident too" i asked
"nope, we live in private residence in mayfare area" ohm gave imformation
"rich brates" word slipped automatically from my mouth.
"thanks to parents othetwise i dont think we can made it " ohm told
"hmmm..right .. sorry we have to go for now to market.so see you tomorrow bye" i said, waved goodbye and moved to driving seat so to drive to market.

"seems to be quite rich one on buggatti and other on harley davidson bike. but i feel you suspect fluke" vee finally said
"yup, i dont have positive vibes from him so dont frank with him" i said in final tone
"are you telling me or ordering me mark, i can better decide what i want with whom i want to talk please dont be my guardian." vee hissed
instead of replying him harshly, i calm myself and replied him softly"i am not imposing or forcing you but i just want to say that its better to be careful rather than we regret later on.see we reach lets shop out quickly because we have long list . "

vee nodded and we left car, and stepped inside mall .a long side to buy.we started from curtains, bedsheets and then refrigerator, and some crockery and rugs.. and snacks as well and bought books as well.

i bought a bookshelf for Vee as well . why i dont know but on seeing the book shelf i felt its for vee only.

the whole shopping was transported to dorm by shifters . we bought dinner and returned to dorm.

after setting the dorm we freshen up and dine together.
then i made coffee, gave mug to vee and sat by his side
"thankyou for coffee" vee said
"thankyou champ" i replied
"about last night, i am sorry dont know how i crossed limit" vee said
"you alone not responsible i am also .i think we both give in. infact last night i was the one who took your virginity.
and i want to continue our relationship..not as dorm mates not as sex friend but as boyfriends. so would you like to be my boyfriend.?? if you are carrier and conceive our baby dont worry i wont leave but we both make our family.and as far our parents are concern i ll.handle them.but after spending night having you in my embrace, i feel myself complete and comfy first time..vee tangfei would you like to be my boyfriend. " i asked him

he was staring me like he was deaf and dumb.


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i am thankful to you
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to be continued

🌻perfect heart imperfect love🌻(wee mark🌻love mechanics)(compleby🌻kbunny🌻Where stories live. Discover now