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🍓perfect heart🍓
           🍓imperfect heart🍓


from centuries , the nobles of time and scholars of life just give one lesson
"life is precious ,respect it and treasure every moment "
but they never tell what to do if your life isnt in your control and you are puppet in other people hands.

when i opened my eyes, i saw the blurry view. from ceiling to walls , windows all were white .for a moment i felt that i am may be in heaven but when tried to move myself then realised that i am alive .i am connected with machines who are assuring every second that i am alive.for first time in my life i hate myself. i disgust myself. i felt severe headache which result in voice created by me

on seeing me awake, my mom who was perhaps on my right side, saw me.. cupped my face and kissed my forehead
"thanks to heaven , you are awake" he said and called doctor to check me..

after check up, the doctor gave all good signal and for time , all machines were removed.
the doctor left , door closed and my mom sat by my side again.

grabbed my hand in his hands, hands were cold slightly shaking but feels like they were trying to provide me warmth..tears were curtaining mom face. i first time saw my mom eyes in tears.these tears were due to me .i was ashamed. my step hurt my mom.

finally ice of silence broke by my mom,
"twenty five  years of marriage. i lost three babie before you. the wish to live as incomplete person was piercing me badly then you appeared in my life. though i remained afraid through out pregnancy but finally after nine months i gave birth to you.i had no idea that my blood my flesh is so weak that you will commit sucide. did you think once about me.?? after 48 hours you gained senses.if i did not come to your room then you were dead . from when you were so naive.dont do this again. i cany live without you" mom was crying badly.i had nonwords perhaps i lost power to speak.

mean while the door opened me and mom wiped our faces definitely the steps were of my dad .

"young man you awake finally.you made us hanged.
see , shaofei vee is fine .just go home and rest. and then come back.go my wifey" dad said softly.

mom nodded, kissed my forehead , and left room.my dad see him off and then came back.he didnt sat by my side like my mom
with hands tuk in pants pockets, he stood in window

"you know , vee what i love shaofei he never refuse me. from proposal to kids, he listened me.thats why though i dont like literary writes but i dont stop him to write and he doesnt ask me to publish. but you tried to go against me. tried to commit sucide by gulping tablets and cutting veins, what you tried to show from all this that i am cruel father. i take wrong decisions for you. if outside world comes to know that tangyi suppasit son vee suppasit commit sucide. what will be my repute.what i ll tell why you did this because i dont allow you to read your favourite useless subjects.
vee tangfei suppasit, you are alive due to shaofei otherwise i may not let you live life again.so listen me carefully , after discharge, you will move to london school dorm. if you wont listen then i will divorce shaofei and will make sure that you wont meet him. your mom will die from this so i hope you listen me this time.the helper will bring food from home eat the food abd take ur medicine.goodnight"
my dad said and left room.

i was shocked on listening my dad words that he will divorce mom "i will listen you dad." i hardly said the words
again and again i m becoming a pain for my mom.


after leaving room , tangyi walked out the hospital with heavy heart ,sat in car abd drive drove to house .mranwhile  take out mobile on the mobile wallpaper on lock screen was of shaofei.
tears were erupt out like lava from volcano
"you know how much i love you. today first time i use the word divorce to put our son on track.you know how much i love you ..sorry shaofei."

meanwhile tangyi reached house, quickly left car.and entered in house.
"all staff left house now .back in morning" tangyi yelled. the helpers ran on hearing tangyi order

shaofei came out of kitchen in trial to understand the situation but tangyi after locking main door approached shaofei , embraced him and gave him a kiss. and picked him in bridal way to room to defeat the fear of those words which he said to put his son on his desire track..


thankyou for reading
i m greatful
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