Epilogue: Call Me Biased

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The amount of times I write smile in this fic: 1000

Sorry for all the spicy implications of this chapter.

I just kinda...y'know imagine, uh. They haven't- seen eachother in a while and uh- uhm- smooching is kinda nice. LOL BYE.




Tsukishima had been exhausted for a while now. It was halfway through the year and time hadn't been good to him. Studying in the library, eating, sleeping, class, studying- repeat. You get it.

It was boring living the routine of the past month, taking his half-year exams.

He just couldn't help but be bored. The halls swarmed with boring people.

Maybe even the whole goddamn school.

Since Kuroo had graduated last year, life had been a little too mundane for his liking.

The end of last year consisted of Kuroo and Tsukishima sneaking out at dark. Kuroo would pull him down to the riverbank, long grass brushing their knees as Tsukishima giggled from behind his hand.

Then Kuroo would crouch down and show him the bioluminescent miniature schools of fish.

Tsukishima would dip the tips of his fingers in the water, watching the small shining fish crowd around and nibble with curiosity.

That was only one of the memories he had. There were so many.

Kuroo always swung around the end of his class to walk him to the next one, even if it only happened to be literal meters away.

Sometimes Kuroo would grab his hand and pull him into an empty classroom.

With a single kiss, his mind would melt away to nothing but static.

Undoubtedly he had been missing out on something most of his life, and then it had disappeared with the cheering of the seventh year students graduating, fading into the echoes of his memory.

Tsukishima had fallen into the new year with Kuroo's snorting laughter ringing in his ears and Kuroo's smirk burned into his mind.

It was stupid. So stupid.

He had gone so long being alone and he had been okay with it.

But then upon meeting Kuroo, befriending him, falling in love with him, he had realized that he previously hadn't been okay at all.

There was still some comfort in having Akaashi and Kenma as friends with their witty banter.

But Kuroo and Bokuto had been the sufficient force pulling out a reaction from the group.

Now the days were spent sitting on the grass and studying; Days that were previously filled with Kuroo prodding Akaashi and whining about needing help with his own work and Bokuto accidentally setting his robes on fire at least once a day trying to learn a spell.

That's how Tsukishima's brain often ended up drifting away as he walked to his next class.

The students around him swarmed like blurs as he focused on reality just enough to not walk into the nearest column.

It must have been one of those afternoons where he happened to be more lucid because his ears picked up on some conversation.

Three students were looking out a nearby window, chatting away as they noticed something.

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