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Heyyyyyy. This is my first story so it's probably gonna be bad........
Enjoy though!😁😁
Hi my name is MaryJane, I'm called MJ. My family's a bit messed up and I do not know how I got myself into the mess.

So with no further ado, enjoy the story of my "beautiful" life.


"Mum! Dinner's ready!" I shouted to my mum. Which was really useless as I am supposed to help her down the stairs.

I ran up the stairs, entering my mother's room. "Mum, c'mon let's go downstairs." I said before shutting the door behind me.

I walked towards her bed and laid down softly, my mum stirred awake causing a huge grin to spread across my face.

"Is it breakfast time already?" She asked obviously stressed.

"Mum, it's barely dusk. Now get up you lazy but... I mean human." I corrected myself.

"I don't wanna get up." My mum whined.

A forty-two year old woman whining.

Of all things to do.


"You sound like Cherry." I told her honestly.

Seriously though, she did.

"Now come down." I playfully ordered, lifting her up carefully.

We made it down the stairs and Cherry was in the living room watching Moana for the zillionth time.

I called Cherry to the dining room, encouraged her to say graces and we ate my delicious delicacy.......

"Cherry. Your dishes." I ordered.

She grumbled before marching to the kitchen and begun doing the dishes.

I helped mum back up to her room and sat her on her rocking chair.

I put on the music player and left the room leaving her to hum to one of all those old jazz songs.

I came to the kitchen and told Cherry to go continue with her Moana.

I can't be known as "The Wicked Witch/Sister"........

I heard one then two then three then a squeal.

Okay. The squeal was from Cherry because of the three shots we heard.

"Basement now!" I whisper yelled at Cherry.

Covering her mouth to avoid anymore squealing, she ran towards the basement stairs.

I picked up a frying pan like I saw in movies and waited for a stranger in black.......or camouflage.

What? That's what they usually wear.

I heard footsteps coming down and becoming louder by the step.

It came to an abrupt halt.

I waited there patiently for a masked face to appear in front and I'll smack it.

"Story time!" I heard a familiar feminine voice.

"Mum?! You scared us!" I poked her gently, putting down the pan.

"How? Anyways, I didn't mean to. Now," She continued like it wasn't a big deal.

I would've smacked your head with a pan.

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