Chapter 2

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I saw Samatha from across the cafe. I waved at her to come to sit where Max and I were sitting. She smiled and waved back. As she came closer to us I saw she had a friend beside her.

"Hey, um this is Alisha she's also a scholarship student like me and this is Simon and..."

"Oh, this is Max" I quickly say as they sit down.

"Hi" Max nodded at them.

Alisha smiled and nodded. I could not help but stare at her she is so beautiful. Her skin was close to perfect and she had really pretty eyes. Her hair was neatly tucked into a low ponytail and her makeup was beautifully done. Samatha sat beside her also looking stunning with her rich melanin skin and her pretty box braids. I'm surprised Max has not fallen head over heels for either of them I mean if I was straight I would be all over them.

"So where you guys from?" she had a strong British accent.

"Well, Sammy and I are from Washington," I say sipping my coffee.

"I'm a  New Yorker so I'm more of city boy"

"Hey, I am from London so relax 'city boy'" she laughs pushing Max playfully.

Yes, my ship is sailing.

"What about your parents?" Max asked. "I know Simon is Korean but about the rest of you guys?"

"Well, my parents are Indian. We moved to the Uk when I was 2" Alisha says simply.

"That's cool. then why did you come to America?"

Alisha struggled "Just wanted a bit of change innit?"


Alisha just laughed and shakes her head.

"Anyway, so are you guys roommates as well?" Samatha asked.

"No, this is my roommates best friend. My actual roommate is a big crybaby who ran off because he wants me to 'leave him the fuck alone" I mock his deep voice and motion his hand movements.

"Damm...what did you do to piss him off?" Alisha asked sipping her tea.

"Nothing. I just wanted to be friends but Mr.Grumpy wants nothing to do with me" I shrug.

"Don't take it to personal. Alex is really not a people person" Max says patting my back.

"Oh no..." Sammy says randomly.

Everyone looked at her confused.

"Please tell me you are not going to do what you always do," Sam says turning to me with hopeful eyes.

"What does he always do?" Max says looking intrigued.

"Whenever someone does not like him. He takes WAY to personal and makes it his mission to make them like him and tries to do his stupid Simon therapy thing where tries to change them"

"I don't do that-"

"Remember John Heist? You basically spent 6 months trying to get him to open up more"

"And it worked right? He went from bully to one nicest person I know. I say my work is 100% effective" I smirk at myself proudly.

"Yeah, but you got thrown into trash cans for 5 months and nearly beaten to death the first time you approached him. And he only changed when you had that very dramatic meltdown in the middle of class which could traumatise anyone. Come on this is the college you can't be feuding with your roommate. Just stay out of his hair" she says with a worried look on her face.

"I totally agree. Alex is Alex. He will never change and you going to get hurt trying. Just ignore him and you will be fine"

"Yeah, this Alex guy sounds scary"

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