Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The sun was close to setting in the town of Little Whinging in Surrey. While most of the occupants of the small town had gone home and begun to unwind for the evening, in one particular house on Privet Drive, a family of three had just started their rather loud and disruptive nightly routine. Unaware that their actions were obnoxious to others, the obese father and son duo walked out of the house and up to the shiny sports car in the driveway.

Harry Potter sat perched on the rooftop directly across from his disgusting relatives house. He was hidden from their view by the chimney as he watched everything with disdain. He had never been caught in all of the years he had spied on them to study their routine and wishfully plot their downfall. And even after all this time out of their 'care', anger and resentment raged widely within him. The abuse he'd suffered at their hands too much to simply forgive and forget. But he hadn't carried out any sort of revenge like he had so desperately hoped to do when he was younger.

"Here you are my dear boy," Vernon Dursley's obnoxiously loud voice boomed throughout the whole neighbourhood. "Take us for a drive. You've earned it."

Scoffing and rolling his eyes, Harry watched as his uncle handed the keys to his cousin. After all this time, that kid was still being spoiled as if he was the prophet boy that was destined to save the entirety of the planet. Not only last week had the same whale of a boy spat a tantrum in the middle of Privet Drive when his father had not allowed him to drive the car. Harry smirked as he thought back to a red faced Petunia Dursley rushing out to resolve the conflict in front of the prying eyes of their neighbours.

Earned it his arse. The fat pig had never done a productive thing in his life. Let alone he had never been a good student. Harry had done his research on them all throughout the years. He had seen the school report cards, the complaints from neighbours, the police reports on Dudley, the client claims of disrespect or mishandling from Vernon's business. It seemed like his relatives were probably the most hated family in town; which made Harry very happy indeed.

The detestably loud rumble from the sports car brought Harry out of his thoughts. He wasn't the only one to have winced as the thundering sound suddenly filled the previously peaceful streets. Harry chuckled darkly as he watched multiple neighbours angrily storm up to their open windows, glare in the direction of the offending car, and almost simultaneously slammed them closed. Never before had he witnessed such a collective dislike for one family in his life as of right now in this small town of Little Whinging.

The front lawn was torn up slightly as the vehicle reversed faster than a race car. Dudley put his foot flat on the pedal, the engine revved dangerously and the tires spun with an obnoxious screech. Smoke floated up from the back tires as the young driver held the car stationary in the middle of the street. After a headache-inducing minute of the continuous burnout, the car roared off down the street. It barely missed a street lamp and mailbox on its way.

"Typical," scoffed Harry as he turned his attention back towards the now quiet house.

By now Petunia Dursley would have almost finished cooking the large sized dinner for her family. While the two boofheads would normally leave the house for a joy ride, she would set the table before she allowed herself to sit down on the couch and have a small amount of peace to watch whatever program her heart desires. Harry had stalked them enough times to observe how controlling Vernon was over every aspect of his wife's life. He has witnessed the physical, mental and emotional abuse many times. And in a way, he almost empathised with his maternal aunt. Yet there was still a big part of him that could never forget what she did to him.

The sun had almost completely set, casting the town in darkness. It was now a little safer for Harry to move positions without becoming compromised. He carefully manoeuvred out from behind the chimney and sat in front of it. Just as he settled in, Petunia entered the living room with an exhausted expression on her face and collapsed haphazardly onto the couch. He watched as she didn't even bother to change the channel, instead she chose to close her eyes and rest her head back. The many years of being a slave to two fat bastards had taken a very obvious toll on her mind and body.

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